Friday, January 3, 2020

How to Conjugate the French Verb Servir

Servir (to serve, to be useful) is an irregular French -ir  verb. Below are the simple conjugations of the verb  servir; they do not include the compound tenses, which consist of  a form of the auxiliary verb with the past participle. Within irregular  -ir  verb conjugations, there are some  patterns. Two groups exhibit similar characteristics and conjugation patterns. Then there is a final, large category of extremely irregular  -ir  verbs that follow no pattern. Servir is an Irregular -ir- Verb Servir  lies in the first group of irregular  -ir  verbs that display a pattern. It includes dormir, mentir, partir, sentir, servir, sortir, and all of their derivatives, such as repartir. All of these verbs share this characteristic: They all drop the last letter of the stem in the singular conjugations. For instance, first person singular of  servir  is  je sers  (no v) and first person plural is  nous servons  (retains the v  from the stem). The more you recognize these patterns, the easier it will be to remember conjugations. Servir is Conjugated Like  French Verbs Ending in -mir, -tir, -vir   Generally speaking, most French verbs ending in  -mir,  -tir, or  -vir  are conjugated this way. Such verbs include: dormir   to sleependormir  Ã‚  to put/send to sleepredormir  Ã‚  to sleep some morerendormir  Ã‚  to put back to sleepdà ©partir  Ã‚  to accordpartir  Ã‚  to leaverepartir  Ã‚  to restart, set off againconsentir   to consentpressentir     to have a premonitionressentir  Ã‚  to feel, sensesentir  Ã‚  to feel, to smellmentir  Ã‚  to liese repentir  Ã‚  to repentsortir  Ã‚  to go outservir  Ã‚  to serve, to be useful Expressions and Usage servir quelquun de / en quelque chose to serve somebody with something / to serve something to somebodyCest difficile de se faire servir ici. /  Ã‚  Its difficult to get served here.Sers le cafà ©.  Ã‚  Pour the coffee.Puis-je te servir du poulet  ?  Ã‚  Can I serve you some chicken ?Le dà ®ner est servi  !  Ã‚  Dinner  is  ready / served !Sers-moi à   boire.   Give  / pour me a drink.Ils nous servent toujours les mà ªmes histoires aux informations. They always dish out the same old stories on the newsServir la patrie / une cause   to serve country/ a causeOn nest jamais si bien servi que par soi-mà ªme.  (proverb)   If you want something done right, do it yourself.Servir les intà ©rà ªts dune dette  Ã‚  to service a debtservir la messe   to say / hold massIl a servi, ce manteau.   I got a lot of use out of this coat !Ça na jamais servi.   Its never been usedÀ toi de servir.  (tennis) Your serve.servir à   to be used forÇa ne sert à   rien de lui en parler. Its useless to talk to him / Its no use talking to him about it.Crier ne sert à   rien. Theres no point in shouting.servir de to act as, to beJe lui ai servi dinterprà ¨te.   I acted as his servir [pronominal reflexive] to help oneselfServez-vous de  / en là ©gumes. Help yourself to vegetables.Je me suis servi un verre de lait.   I poured myself a glass of servir [pronominal passive] to be servedLe vin rouge se sert chambrà ©. Red wine should be served at room servir de quelque chose to use somethingIl ne peut plus se servir de son bras droit. He cant use his right arm anymore.Cest une arme dont on ne se sert plus.   Its a weapon that is no longer used  / in servir de quelque chose comme  Ã‚  to use something asse servir de quelquun  Ã‚  to make use of  / to use somebody Simple Conjugations of the Irregular French -ir Verb Servir Present Future Imperfect Present participle je sers servirai servais servant tu sers serviras servais il sert servira servait nous servons servirons servions vous servez servirez serviez ils servent serviront servaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle servi   Ã‚  SubjunctiveConditionalPassà © simpleImperfect subjunctivejeserveserviraisservisservissetuservesserviraisservisservissesilserveserviraitservitservà ®tnousservionsservirionsservà ®messervissionsvousserviezserviriezservà ®tesservissiezilsserventserviraientservirentservissent Imperative (tu) sers (nous) servons (vous) servez

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