Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The eNotes Blog Does AP stand for Absolutely Pointless
Does AP represent Absolutely Pointless My 12-year-old child started his first semester in middle school this year. In July, we all guardians were gathered together for a three-hour data workshop. We visited every one of the Pre-AP educators rooms,  a aggregate of seven diverse potential course contributions. In each meeting, the message was the equivalent: you enlisted your child in ALL Pre-AP classes if your youngster isnt a total sham. Pre-AP, it was (now and then not) persistently clarified, was important for your youngster with the goal that the person could take AP courses in secondary school, and afterward be qualified to skirt starting courses in school. The point, clearly, was to set aside us a little cash and to (it was suggested) feel somewhat prevalent about our posterity. Similar instructors who educate Pre-AP classes likewise show ordinary courses. In spite of the fact that our data course should reveal to us the distinction between the two sorts of classes, practically none  of the educators even referenced the ordinary classes. The Pre-AP was pushed so hard it caused a parent to feel like conceding your child was as on par mentally with the Honey Boo tribe for essentially getting some information about the distinctions. As the night rambled endlessly, I started to ponder: Whatever happened to encouraging understudies at the genuine level they are at, mentally, inwardly, and socially? I pondered as well, as a school educator myself, if AP is pushed so vigorously, how can it be that I discover my rookies so caught off guard for the rigors of a school course? This week, the Atlanticâ published an article by John Tierney, a resigned educator and secondary school AP instructor. Like me, Tierney pondered something very similar. So why this immense drive into AP?  Probably the main motivation is that the College Board, which sets the guidelines and distributes the AP educational plan, procures over portion of its income from AP courses. Which may be good with everybody if secondary schools really were turning out improved and propelled students. Be that as it may, in Tierneys experience, and my own, they are not doing any such thing. Tierney researched the numerous explanations behind the disappointments of the AP projects, and some disarray about their guarantees. For example,â while AP courses in secondary school may let a school first year recruit quit a starting course, they frequently don't get real school acknowledge for AP classes true to form. What's more, when they do get the chance to skirt an introduction class, numerous understudies find that their AP classes in secondary school don't remotely look like the difficulties of a genuine school class, and many wish they HAD taken the normal basic school course. Another substantial contention is Tierneys resistance to open enlistment for  AP classes.  This was the situation in my children new school. There was no legitimacy base.  No one was solicited to join in light of the fact that from high scores in primary school or an educators suggestion. What we were fundamentally told is that Pre-AP was do or die. Tierney contends that, 66% of the understudies taking my class every year didn't have a place there. What's more, they hauled down the course for the understudies who did. Also, what of the children who neglect to swim? Its really dreary, as indicated by Tierney. He says that those classes get perpetually full as the years wear on and a few children simply cant hack it, yet they are not given the most grounded instructors. Those educators, obviously, are saved for the AP program. A great deal of these non-swimmers are minorities, who will presently confront much more hindrances to advanced education. At long last, and fortifying what I have just found in my own home, the push to cover so much material so quick prompts inflexible stultification a sort of careless genuflection to a recommended arrangement of study that crushes innovativeness and free request. No big surprise when I took my Freshmen out on a bright day and we as a whole never really read Thoreau so anyone can hear to each other, they all looked paralyzed then they gradually started to unwind, grin, and appreciate the joys of learning. Unfortunately, secondary teachers can't bring their understudies down intriguing ways of learning. After all theres a test coming up.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analyze Fitzgeralds Presentation of the Valley of Ashes.
Examine Fitzgerald’s introduction of the Valley of Ashes toward the beginning of part 2. Somewhere between West Egg and New York lies the ‘valley of ashes’ and this is the ‘desolate’ no man's land, which is likewise home to the Wilson family. The term ‘desolate’ is utilized to portray a spot that is depressingly vacant and singular. Fitzgerald incorporates this ‘fantastic farm’ to accentuate to the perusers, the sharp difference among extravagance and wellbeing with destitution and battle. The valley serves to speak to the harm that the privileged characters, for example, Daisy and Tom can dispense on society.Through the Wilson family, we get the feeling this is where the casualties of the American Dream dwell and is home to the individuals who have almost no to anticipate later on and have next to no going on in their lives. In contrast to New York, this desolate site needs excess and the reiteration of the shading ‘gr ey’ which like dark, can be utilized to imply an absence of life, just as misfortune or despondency serves to help us to remember the void Fitzgerald is attempting to depict †even the men who work there are ‘ash-grey’.The Valley is a result of free enterprise as it is made by mechanical waste and can be viewed as the dumping ground for any semblance of well off people. The well off live in affectation where their homes are intelligent of goldâ but down the ‘motor-road’ we can discover the valley of their corruptive riches. It is the direct inverse of life in the West Egg and in New York. Moved designation just as representation is utilized while depicting the development of the vehicles. It is said that even the vehicles ‘crawl’ and by and by, this worries to the perusers the vacancy in the valley.Up until this point, Fitzgerald utilizes vehicles as an image of influence and alongside influence keeps an eye on co me riches. For all the well off characters in the novel, for example, Gatsby and the Buchanan, a vehicle joins the sumptuous ways of life they lead, however on the off chance that you contrast this with the Wilsons, they fix vehicles just so as to get by. It’s as though to those that live in New York, it’s only a decent time however for those in the valley of remains, this is the thing that they call life. It is clear that everything here is cheapened and mounts to nothing in New York.In the valley of Ashes, we additionally have the eyes of Doctor T. J . Eckleburg that sees everything. Despite the fact that it is only a board, It could be contended that through these ‘yellow spectacles’ are the eyes of God just as the eyes of Nick. He is our storyteller who is inside and without the novel. We see the portrayal through his eyes yet thusly, Fitzgerald can retain data from the perusers as we can just observe what Nick decides to uncover in his account as he makes a decision ab out every other person from his own perspective.The eyes additionally serve to speak to the unforgiving truth of the ‘American Dream’ and exactly how bogus it very well may be. Apparently, anybody can become wildly successful in America in the event that they buckle down for it, much the same as the Wilsons, yet the fact of the matter isn't everybody can be as affluent as Gatsby and the Buchanan’s and the possibility that everybody can live that American dream is only a fantasy. Despite the fact that it has demonstrated riches for a few, similar to the cinders, the Wilsons trust in this riches are not alive.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Powers of the Symbols in Lord of the Flies - 929 Words
Lord of the Flies is a novel that is all about symbols that have different powers which is used on the boys. Two of the symbols which are the conch and the sow’s head contain powers that are opposite of each other and they have a great affect on the boys. Lord of the Flies would be a different story without symbols. The conch has the powers that lead to civilization and order. It represents the authority that the boys will need to get rescued from the island. The sow’s head on the other hand represents the evil powers to lead the boys to total chaos and savagery which is created by Jack. Jack has used one of the sow’s head’s symbolism which is the beast to control his group. The conch has a power that is used for order and civilization,†¦show more content†¦Do you. See?†(Golding. 159). Golding shows how Simon is different compared to the rest of the boys. He showed how Simon was civilized and has never done anything savage since the boys landed on the island until Simon was killed. He has also shown how evil has beaten good when Jack’s group killed Piggy and destroyed the conch as well. â€Å"See? See? That’s what you’ll get! I meant that! There isn’t a tribe for you any more! The conch is gone†(Golding. 200). Lord of the Flies is a book about symbols that have powers. One of the symbols which was one of the most important symbols in the book, was that the conch which the boys used. The conch’s role in the book was to lead the boys to civilization to get rescued from the island. Another symbol which is the sow’s head was also one of the important symbols in the book was the opposite of the conch. It wanted the boys to stay savage, and thus making the whole island a savage place. Without symbols, Lord of the Flies would be a different story (Literary analysis: Symbolism in Lord of the Flies, by William Golding). In conclusion, Savagery has beat civilization which was very disappointing, since the conch has been destroyed; civilization has been destroyed as well. The conch symbolized civilization and order which was destroyed since savagery has killed two boys that represented civilization and destroyed the symbol that had the power of civilization. Works Cited Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. GreatShow MoreRelatedUse of Symbols in Lord of the Flies by William Golding Essay1388 Words  | 6 Pages Symbols and characters play major roles in representing power in works of literature. Therefore, an author uses these ‘symbols of power’ to control the characters and the overall course of the work. In Lord of the Flies symbols are both used by the characters and stand on their own. Fire on the island is a dual blade and Lord of the Flies impedes on progression. While these two symbols stand on their own, the characters use and are used by them. Ralph leads the boys to advancement while Jack standsRead MoreLord Of The Flies : Representation Of Violence And War1611 Words  | 7 PagesLord Of The Flies: Representation Of Violence and War Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian, states that â€Å" The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.†In William Golding’s Lord Of The Flies, societal topics run rampant throughout the text with Golding’s use of individuals to represent different aspects of society. Many writers view the Lord Of The Flies as an allegory, as societal topics such as politics make appearances throughout the text. InRead MoreSymbolism in The Lord Of The Flies.812 Words  | 4 Pagesseveral novels, and has won the Nobel Prize in Literature. His best known novel is The Lord of The Flies, published in 1954. In The Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses different themes and symbols to get the point of the novel across. These symbols include the pigs head, the conch, and even the boys themselves. The author uses symbols to show societys’ rules and faults. The first symbol is the conch. Ralph and Piggy discover the conch in the beginning of the novel on theRead MoreEssay about Lord of the Flies Literary Analysis1283 Words  | 6 PagesSymbolism is a very important factor in many books. The use of symbolism in William Golding’s novel The Lord of the Flies is the most essential aspect to the function of the story. At first glance you may not think the symbols are very important, but with some in-depth thought you can see how it is necessary to explain the microcosm of an island. The conch shell is the opening symbol in the novel and lasts roughly to the very end of the story. The conch is found by Ralph and Piggy, which they useRead MoreMichelle Duan Mrs. MJ English 10 H, per. 3 13 February 2014 A Symbol’s Worth a Thousand1500 Words  | 6 Pages Symbols: we see them on the street, on the walls, and in our homes, plastered on backpacks, jackets, and even fast food receipts. From the generic images that guide us through our daily lives to the shapes we see on television screens, these symbols are everywhereâ€â€and their importance as guides that tell us how to live, what to do and whom to believe is undeniable. Of all of these symbols, perhaps some of the most important are the symbols found in literature. In using simplistic symbols to representRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies By William Golding1065 Words  | 5 PagesThe Lord of the Flies Essay The Lord of the Flies written by William Golding and published on September 17, 1954 is a story told about a group of stranded boys and their fight for survival against the wilderness and themselves. 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Both Lord of the Flies and Peter Pan have common themes, symbols, and charactersRead MoreSymbolism in Lord of the Flies1365 Words  | 6 PagesSymbolism in Lord of The Flies William Goldings Lord of the Flies is a novel about a group of English school boys who are stranded on a tropical island after their plane has been attacked and crashes during World War II. In the beginning, the boys like being on their own without adults. The boys separate into two groups, led by Jack and Ralph. Jack is obsessed with hunting, and he and his group pay do not pay attention. Ralph is concerned about keeping a rescue fire lit so they will have a chanceRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1381 Words  | 6 Pagesgenerally tend to transform from young and oblivious children into wise and aware adults. A group of young boys arrived on the island as proper English schoolboys, but months later, they left as dirty, unkempt savages. In William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies, an array of young school boys find themselves stranded on an island as a result of a plane crash during World War Two. With no adults, rules, and nothing holding them back, they are lef t to fend for themselves. In the beginning, the boys electRead MorePerception of Symbols in The Lord of the Flies by William Golding863 Words  | 4 PagesPerception of Symbols In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the British boys are deserted on an island and get in touch with many features that form symbols of different concepts. Using symbolism through the pig’s head, Piggy’s glasses, the rock, and the beast, William Golding exemplifies that human beings, when set free from communal regulations and prohibitions, enable their natural volume for immorality to control their existence. Arguably one of the most significant and apparent
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
My Advocacy Goal With Children s Administration - 923 Words
I believe a highly trained, educated and experienced workforce is an essential component in providing social services to the community, families and meeting the needs of children to ensure child safety. My advocacy goal with Children’s Administration (CA) employees in the Bellingham office is to ensure CA staff are treated with respect and dignity during an internal investigation as to an employee’s alleged misconduct and to minimize the impact on office morale and workload during the disciplinary process. I believe this is a social policy given the work conducted within the CA office is to provide all families with dignity and respect . I believe these same beliefs should be demonstrated to CA employees during disciplinary action or personnel investigations. Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 42.52 and RCW 9A.80.010 is the authorizing legislation for Washington Department of Social and Health Services Administrative Policy N. 18.64. . The purpose of this policy is to establish standards and guidelines for ethical conduct which applies to all Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) employees. The policy outlines expectations in terms of interaction with DSHS staff which is to include respect and concern. In addition, this policy addresses the work environment by stating the work place should be free from interference and individual work performance. Evidence Social Work/Social Service Policy. The impact these practices have in terms of the Social Worker’sShow MoreRelatedEssay The Iron Triangle and Heclos Policy of Issue Networks980 Words  | 4 PagesHeclo’s policy of issue networks is a new way of dealing with the connection between politics and its administration. Previously, the Iron Triangle was the way that the connection was dealt with. The Iron Triangle concept described the major players as congress, career bureaucrats and large interest groups. It was said that the groups had a give and take kind of relationship and eventually led to a reasonably easy way to create policy while somewhat satisfying each of the groups. BasicallyRead MoreThe Interview With A Man Name Donald Sinclair1491 Words  | 6 PagesFlorida Atlantic University back in 2006. He has since been directly involved with individual therapy. He shared his master degree in social work was completed at Barry University back in 2014. While working on his master degree he got inv olved in advocacy for individual therapy. Donald Sinclair is a Director of corporate compliance for Banyan Health Systems. Has a director his duties entails working with individuals who are severally mild mentally ill. The services provided are types of servicesRead MoreA Case Plan For Children And Families Essay1452 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to the Administration for Children Families (2014) case plans are formed by child protection staff and families who work together to identify goals for the family (Laracuente, 2016). A case plan is a written text that explains why the child is considered to be in need of protection, it provides a lucid statement of the functions and responsibilities of all participants in addressing the child s care and security needs (Laracuente, 2016). Furthermore, a case plan must also include stipulationsRead MoreThe Social Worker s Profession Essay1591 Words  | 7 Pageswell-being. Social workers are change agents and because of that, they aim to help people develop their skills and ab ilities to use resources provided to them to strengthen and improve their lives and communities to resolve problems. 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Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If youRead MorePersonal Statement : Volunteer Work1292 Words  | 6 Pagesopportunity experience helping others and including myself. I enjoy volunteer work because It’s a way of giving back to the community, but a lso I’ve become confident in public speaking. In addition, volunteer work is a great rewarding experience, and it s also helped me develop social skills, by supporting others. The contribute can make a positive impact in many ways, Barack Obama said, â€Å" the best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. IfRead MoreHealth Advocacy Campaign3015 Words  | 13 Pages Health Advocacy Campaign: Fighting Mental Illnesses one Day at A Time Millions of American’s are affected by mental health illnesses. As a nurse I understand that mental health illnesses have no respect of person. The National Alliance on Mental Illness reported that approximately 61.5 million Americans are affected by mental illness in a given year, and almost 13.6 million individuals live with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, depression, or bipolar disorder (National Alliance onRead MoreLight Health Wellness Comprehensive Services Essay1355 Words  | 6 Pagesserving families within the Ashland Support Center. This was a great partnership between two organizations with the goals to help serve families and those around them. Now the Ashland Support Center served families in Baltimore City who were infected an affected by HIV /AIDS. This center is now known today as Bon Secours Community Works and does a lot more than it did back in the 1980’s. Today it provides family support, services such as community job hub, and als o provides financial and tax assistance
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leading Free Essays
Identify how the management works on the contemporary Issues In leadership Developing trust Build up a good trust is very important in Catchy Pacific and its departments. It can make every leader like a model or standard to their employees, so leader must be honesty, ability, good Judgment or willingness to share ideas with every employee; it can keep a good relationship between employers and employees. So, a good leader can show the positive Image and able to Inspire other employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Leading or any similar topic only for you Order Now Catchy Pacific Is able to take responsibility to the social (charitable and donation or sustainable development) and able to build up a good trust to its passenger (provide well services, no delete) and employees (benefits and profits). Empowering employees Employee empowerment Is a strategy and philosophy that employees can make decisions about their Jobs. It helps employees own their work and take responsibility for their results. Top Manager in Catchy Pacific are giving their authority or empowerment to the front-line managers such as customer service manager and subordinates employees such as flight attendant to make decisions of some unimportant things, such as Andre customers’ complain with solve the problem or give some discount to the loyalty customer etc. The benefits of empowering employees can quicker responses to problems and solving the problems; and faster decision as subordinates employees do not need to report to their upper manager, it can be save more time and effectiveness and increased spans of control to address other problems, such as how to enhance the company profits. Cross-cultural leadership Cross-cultural leadership is deferent nationalities leader has different leadership performance to managing their employees. Catchy Pacific Airlines Is an International alertness company. It was 22, 200 different nationalities employees In the world (until August 2014) that would be a multiple cultural background in the company. The top manager level since the chairman of John Solar is an American; the CEO of Ivan Chug is a Chinese. For example, southerner American leading a group of from the northern American would be exercising cross-cultural leadership because of regional differences In However, a Korean leader managing a group of Korean employees in Seoul and a group of Korean employees in Bangkok may not be engaging in cross-cultural leadership because the leader and the led are separated by physical space and not y cognitive space. Gender differences and leadership There are male/female differences in managing positions in leadership. How to cite Leading, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Attention Deficit Disorder Essay Example For Students
Attention Deficit Disorder Essay Attention Deficit DisorderFive year old Danny is in kindergarten. It is playtime and he hops from chair to chair, swinging his arms and legs restlessly, and then begins to fiddle with the light switches, turning the lights on and off again to everyones annoyanceall the while talking nonstop. When his teacher encourages him to join a group of other children busy in the playroom, Danny interrupts a game that was already in progress and takes over, causing the other children to complain of his bossiness and drift away to other activities. Even when Danny has the toys to himself, he fidgets aimlessly with them and seems unable to entertain himself quietly. To many, this may seem like a problem; and it is. Danny most likely suffers from what is called Attention Deficit Disorder. Recent controversy has erupted as to whether Attention Deficit Disorder in fact deserves the title of disorder. Some people, like Thomas Armstrong, a psychologist and educator, believe Attention Deficit Disorder is merely a myth; a dumping ground for a heterogeneous group of kids who are hyperactive or inattentive for a number of reasons including underlying anxiety, depression, and stresses in their families, schools , and in our culture. (Armstrong 15) However, he and those who question the validity of Attention Deficit Disorder are mistaken. Attention Deficit Disorder is in fact a disorder because it is recognized as such in the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition), it is treatable through prescription medication and therapy and if left untreated inhibits one from functioning properly in society. Before delving into the ways in which Attention Deficit Disorder matches the criteria established for what a disorder is, it is important to first understand the disorder and have some background information on it. The symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD for short) exist on a continuum. Everybody has some of these symptoms some of the time. However, individuals with ADD have more of these symptoms more of the time and to the point that it interferes with their ability to function normally in academics, work and social settings, and to reach their potential. People with ADD are often noted for their inconsistencies. One day they can do it, and the next they cannot. They can have difficulty remembering simple things yet have steel trap memories for complex issues. To avoid disappointment, frustration, and discouragement, do not expect their highest level of competence to be the standard. It is an unrealistic expectation of a person with ADD. What is normal is that they will be inconsistent. Typically, they have problems with following through on instructions, paying attention appropriately to what they need to attend to, seem not to listen, be disorganized, have poor handwriting, miss details, have trouble starting tasks or with tasks that require planning or long-term effort, appear to be easily distracted, or forgetful. In addition, some people with ADD can be fidgety, verbally impulsive, unable to wait their turn, and act on impulse regardless of consequences. However, it is important to remember not all people with ADD have all of these difficulties, nor all of the time. Due to the fact that society has traditionally thought of a person with ADD as being hyper, many children who have ADD with no hyperactivity are not being identified or treated. Individuals with ADD without hyperactivity are sometimes thought of as day-dreamers or absent-minded professors. The non-hyperactive children with ADD most often seem to be girls (though girls can have ADD with hyperactivity, and boys can have ADD without hyperactivity). Additionally, because of the ability of an individual with ADD to over-focus, or hyper-focus on something that is of great interest or highly stimulating, many untrained observers assume that this ability to concentrate negates the possibility of ADD being a concern, especially when they see children able to pay attention while working one-on-one with someone, doing something they enjoy, or who can sit and play an electronic game or watch TV for hours on end. ADD is not a learning disability. Although ADD obviously affects the performance of a person in a school setting, it will also affect other domains of life, which can include relationships with others, running a home, keeping track of finances, and organizing, planning, and managing most areas of ones life. ADD is considered to be a neurobiological disorder. The most recent research shows that the symptoms of ADD are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. To understand how this disorder interferes with ones ability to focus, sustain attention, and with memory formation and retrieval, it is important to understand how the brain communicates information. Each brain cell has one axon, the part of the cell that sends messages to other cells; and many dendrites, the part that receives messages from other cells. There is a space between the axon and the next brain cell called a neural gap. Since these nerve endings do not actually touch, special chemicals called neurotransmitters carry (transmit) the message from the end of the axon to the dendrites that will receive it. With ADD there is a flaw in the way the brain manages the neurotransmitter production, storage or flow, causing imbalances. There is either not enough of them, or the levels are not regulated, swinging wildly from high to low. When diagnosing ADD, a thorough evaluation is very important. In order for an individual to be diagnosed with ADD, comprehensive evaluations must be administered that include a complete individual and family history, ability tests, achievement tests, and the collection of observations from people who are close to the person who is being assessed. It is also extremely important to have an assessment that is individualized and designed to uncover co-existing conditions, such as learning disabilities and behavior, mood or anxiety disorders (depression, generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, etc. ), or any other problem that could be causing symptoms that look similar to the symptoms of ADD. A thorough evaluation includes gathering information from a variety of sources. A thorough review of the persons medical, academic and family history is essential. In the case of a child this is done through a detailed, structured interview with the parents. Economic Development Of Hawaii Essay Most doctors feel the potential side effects should be carefully weighed against the benefits before prescribing the drugs. While on these medications, some children may lose weight, have less appetite, and temporarily grow more slowly. Others may have problems falling asleep. Other doctors say if they carefully watch the childs height, weight, and overall development, the benefits of medication far outweigh the potential side effects. Side effects that do occur can often be handled by reducing the dosage. However, doctors recommend that patients be taken off a medication now and then to see if it is still necessary. They recommend temporarily stopping the drug during school breaks and vacations, when focused attention and calm behavior are usually not as crucial; this precaution is referred to as a drug holiday. Drug therapy is a highly effective means of treating disorders, including ADD. They are by far the most widely used biomedical treatments. (Myers 507b) When introduced in the 1950s, drug therapy greatly reduced the need for psychosurgery or hospitalization. Thanks to drug therapy the resident population of state and county mental hospitals in the United States today is but 20 percent of what it was 40 years ago. (Myers 508a) For those not comfortable with drug therapy there are other means of treating ADD, such as behavior therapy. This is especially effective for children. For example, children with ADD need structure and routine. They should be helped to make schedules and break assignments down into small tasks to be performed one at a time. It may be necessary to ask them repeatedly what they have just done, how they might have acted differently, and why others react as they do. Especially when young, these children often respond well to strict application of clear and consistent rules. In school, they may be helped by close monitoring, quiet study areas, short study periods broken by activity (including permission to leave the classroom occasionally), and brief directions often repeated. They can be taught how to use flashcards, outlines, and underlining. Timed tests should be avoided as much as possible. Other children in the classroom may show more tolerance if the problem is explained to them in terms they can understand. When combined, drug and behavior therapies can be highly effective when treating Attention Deficit Disorder. Like many disorders, ADD is disruptive and if left untreated inhibits the proper functioning in society and of ones daily activities. Family conflict is one of the most troublesome consequences of ADD. Especially when the symptoms have not yet been recognized and the diagnosis made, parents blame themselves, one another, and the child. As they become angrier and impose more punishment, the child becomes more defiant and alienated, and the parents still less willing to accept his excuses or believe his promises. The home of an ADD child is frequently stressful and filled with conflict. The problems in the home vary based on the severity of symptoms, the make-up of the family and the personalities of family members. Take Johnny, for instance. A routine chore like getting dressed can become a battle as the parent first gently prompts Johnny to get dressed and stop playing with his toys, then nags and often, out of frustration, begins to yell. This scenario occurs almost every morning despite any repeated attempts by the parent to improve things. A family dinner with an ADD child, rather than being a pleasant family gathering, becomes a dreaded hour. The child is bouncing around and knocks his plate on the floor. He constantly interrupts conversations and may erupt in a temper tantrum over a remark by a sibling. Daily life with an undiagnosed ADD child can cause a parent to question their parenting skills and ability to nurture a child. It can also stress the relationship between husband and wife especially if there is a disagreement about discipline methods or perception of the childs behavior. Siblings rivalry is magnified. If a child is extremely disruptive, the family may become isolated and certain members may withdraw from the family unit. School may also become of a place of chaos for an undiagnosed ADD child. ADD children often appear to be lazy or under-achievers. Their work is often incomplete, sloppy or lost. The paper may be done but directions were not followed. The child is often unprepared for class he cannot find his pencil or worksheet or textbook. He may stare at the paper because they do not know how to start the assignment, and his performance is inconsistent. Yet the ADD child is not dumb in fact many have above average intelligence. Unbeknownst to most, Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, and John F. Kennedy were all diagnosed with ADD. Children are not the only ones who may suffer if left undiagnosed; adults also struggle with this problem. Most adults with ADD were not diagnosed until they were adults. Throughout their lives, they have suffered a great deal of pain. Many have had to develop coping mechanisms to help them survive. Over time, the constant pressure brought on by their new ways to cope with problems can bring about stress. As a result, some adults become overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, and lose confidence. As is evident, Attention Deficit Disorder clearly meets all the criteria for the definition of a disorder including the fact that it is recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Fourth Edition), it is treatable through prescription medication and behavioral therapy and if left untreated inhibits one from functioning in society properly. At this time there is no cure for ADD, but much more is now known about effectively coping with and managing this persistent and troubling developmental disorder. Hopefully, the day is not far off when genetic testing for ADD may become available and more specialized medications may be designed to counter the specific genetic deficits of those who suffer from it. Psychology
Monday, March 30, 2020
The Ecological Validity Essay Example
The Ecological Validity Paper Pennington and Hastie believed that jurors’ will construct a story to make sense of evidence and then return the verdict that has the ‘best fit’ with their story. P and H investigated whether the order of testimony had an effect on the jurors’ decisions. The sample used in this study consisted of 130 students from the University of Chicago. The two story-telling strategies investigated in this study are; story order and witness order. Story order is when the Lawyers present evidence in the sequence that events occurred, and witness order is when lawyers present witnesses in the sequence they believe is most likely to persuade the jury (may not be the sequence in which the events occurred, also the benefits of primacy and recency effects are taken into account. Primacy effect is when for example out of a list of 10 words you are most likely to remember the first word; whereas the recency effect claims you are most likely to remember the last word. The study was a laboratory experiment, using independent groups design, with ps acting as jurors in a mock trial. The IV was the order of testimony and the DV was the verdict given. In individual cubicles ps listened to a tape recording of the stimulus trial and then responded to written questions. They were told to reach either a guilty or not guilty verdict on a murder charge. Ps were allocated to one of four conditions. In each condition, the same evidence was presented by the defence and prosecution, only the order of presentation changed (witness or story order). We will write a custom essay sample on The Ecological Validity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Ecological Validity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Ecological Validity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Results of the study showed that the prosecution were most likely to win (78% of guilty verdict) when they used story order and defence used witness order. Similarly, the defence were most likely to win when they used story order and the prosecution used witness order (only 31% guilty verdict). Pennington and Hastie concluded that order of testimony does affect juror’s decisions. In particular, jurors are more easily persuaded by ‘story order’ than ‘witness order’. P and H also suggested that the reason why 80% of criminal court cases return guilty verdicts in the US is because prosecution lawyers tend to use story order and defence lawyers tend to use witness order. Lawyers use a variety of different techniques in order to persuade a jury, into convincing their client’s innocence. Various studies have been conducted into investigating the best techniques for persuading a jury, but the main issue with many of these studies is that they l ack ecological validity. The most common method used in studies investigating persuading a jury, is a laboratory experiment in the form of a mock trial. Mock trials are often used because, people outside of the jury are not allowed into the jury room due to confidentiality of the legal process. One of the main issues with the use of mock trials is that participants often make an individual decision concerning the verdict of the trial, and are sometimes even asked to give a rating of their belief of the defendant’s guilt. For example in Edwards and Bryan, both of these issues occur, each individual participant gives a verdict as well as a number of ratings concerning their beliefs about the defendant’s guilt or innocence and their views about an appropriate sentence. As in a real court case the jury is only asked to give a verdict of guilty of innocent, which is made in a group decision, the study lacks ecological validity. Another problem with using mock trials is that there is a lack of consequence, meaning the result/verdict given by the participants has no effect on the trial, as in Pennington and Hastie’s study on the effect of order of testimony on jurors’ decisions. Due to the lack of pressure of wrongfully committing someone of a crime/vice versa as well as the lack of emotional stress associated with serving on a jury in a court room. The study is said to lack ecological validity as it cannot be applied to the real world. Mock trials often present the evidence in various ways, for instance in Pennington and Hastie’s study, the evidence is presented to the participants in individual cubicles, where they listen to a tape recording of the stimulus trial. Another form in which evidence is presented is in Cutler, ps are shown a videotaped robbery trial and in Edwards and Bryan, ps are given a transcript of an actual murder trial in California. Although in Edwards and Bran the transcript is taken from an actual case, the study is still lacking in ecological validity as it is a very different way of gathering data on the trial through a transcript or videotape than it being presented by a lawyer in court. Often small unrepresentative samples are used due to the use of opportunity sampling. For example in Edwards and Bryan 74 university students are used, as they are all students, the sample is unrepresentative of a typical jury and therefore lowing the ecological validity of the study. Another way in which persuading a jury, can be investigated is via â€Å"shadow jury†, this is an alternative to mock trials, and consists of a group of participants who â€Å"shadow†i.e. sit in on a case/trial and at the end come to a verdict themselves, and seeing if their opinions are conclusive with the juror’s. Although there are certain advantages to this method such as an improved ecological validity as the participants receive the same amount of evidence as a real jury, presented in a real manner. However the study still lacks ecological validity due to the lack of consequences, i.e. no pressure of wrongfully committing an innocent person and vice versa. Overall research into persuading a jury is often very lacking in ecological validity due to the laboratory method often used in the form of a mock trial. As these studies have a very low ecological validity, the studies lack applicability to the real world and have low validity in results.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
ALM Unlimited and the Trump Organization. Business Conflict
ALM Unlimited and the Trump Organization. Business Conflict Introduction Business conflicts are inevitable. Conflicts may range from small disagreements to big and costly disagreements. Sometimes, if left unattended, minor conflicts may easily become major conflicts, thereby creating devastating consequences for the parties involved.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on ALM Unlimited and the Trump Organization. Business Conflict specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Businesses may suffer reputational damage, time and resource wastage, and the loss of future investment opportunities (among other ramifications) from business conflicts (Davis, 2012). To avoid these consequences, many businesses prefer to avoid conflict altogether, as opposed to solving them. However, some businesses are unsuccessful in doing so. The Trump Organization is one such entity that has failed to avoid conflict in the last decade. This article delves into the intrigues of a recently concluded dispute between th e organization and New York-based licensing firm, ALM Unlimited. This paper explains the details of the conflict, including the cost of the conflict, the resolution of the conflict, and the undertones of the disagreement. The Case Informed of its role in helping the flamboyant real estate developer, Donald Trump, to secure a lucrative clothing contract with Phillips-Van Heusen (PVH) Company, ALM Unlimited named the Trump Organization in a lawsuit for unlawful termination of remittances to its organization (Clarke, 2013). In its defense, the Trump Organization claimed it had wrongfully remitted payments to ALM Unlimited. The company also said its payment to ALM Unlimited was supposed to be a one-off payment (McCoy, 2011). Moreover, according to Donald Trump, ALM Unlimited played a minimal role in helping the Trump Organization to secure the multimillion-dollar contract with PVH. In his submissions at a New York court, Donald Trump revealed that his company had received above $3,000,0 00 in royalties from the contentious deal (Clarke, 2013).Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Cost of the Conflict The cost of conflict is the amount of money a party aims to gain or lose from a business conflict. However, Davis (2012) says that when businesses are in conflict, the cost of the conflict often transcends the amount of money quoted in lawsuits, or the fees paid out to the lawyers. Instead, he says, â€Å"The financial and emotional effects, wasted time, and lost productivity of businesses and individuals contribute to the overall costs of conflict†(Davis, 2012, p. 32). An overexposure of conflict may further lead to more damages, especially when the warring parties have to do business with other companies. Observers have said that the conflict between the Trump Organization and ALM Unlimited transcends the cost of litigation (McCoy, 2011). They argue that the Trump Organization largely bases its success from the strength of the â€Å"Trump†brand. Therefore, an overexposure of the brand to business conflict paints a bad picture for the company because it hurts the business. McCoy (2011) affirms this fact when he says overexposure is bad for business because other organizations will be hesitant to do business with a defamed brand. Despite the merit of these arguments, this paper acknowledges the importance of understanding conflict on a case-by-case basis. Stated differently, the business conflict between the Trump Organization and ALM Unlimited presents unique dynamics that inform its cost of conflict. Concisely, based on the arguments advanced by the Trump Organization and ALM Unlimited, the amount of contention was about $75,000 annually. This is the cost of the conflict. This figure comes from the amount of money paid by the Trump organization to ALM Unlimited (since the two parties started business). In detail, since the Trump organization entered into the clothing business with Phillips-Van Heusen, it has paid about $350,000 to ALM. The organization made these payments between 2004 and 2008 when it stopped the payments (this has been a four-year stretch).Advertising We will write a custom article sample on ALM Unlimited and the Trump Organization. Business Conflict specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Based on calculations of the amount received by ALM international over the four-year stretch, the company wanted periodical payments of $75,000 annually. Resolution of Conflict Businesses choose to resolve conflicts in different ways. Some choose to resolve conflicts through personal agreements (business-to-business agreements); others choose to identify an arbitrator to mediate the conflict, while many businesses seek a legal solution to conflict resolution. The conflict between the Trump Organization and ALM Unlimited ended through a legal solu tion. A Supreme Court judge, based in New York, ruled that the Trump Organization had no case to answer in the above-mentioned business conflict (Clarke, 2013). The judge sidestepped a sitting jury, which heard the case for close to a week, by issuing a direct order that dismissed the case because of lack of sufficient evidence to show that the two organizations had a binding contract. This ruling ended the four-year conflict. Conclusion It is often difficult to predict the ramifications of business conflicts, or their end. However, for ALM Unlimited and the Trump Organization, their conflict was resolved through legal means, without any serious ramifications for any of the parties. The resolution of conflict through the courts should however be regarded as a last resort for doing so because less expensive and expeditious methods exist for solving such conflicts (outside courts). Arbitration is one example of an inexpensive and expeditious process for solving business conflicts. Non etheless, regardless of the nature or magnitude of business conflicts, they should be resolved expeditiously because delaying the conflict resolution process only worsens the outcome. References Clarke, K. (2013). The Donald Triumphs at Trial over Clothing Royalties. Web. Davis, P. (2012). A model for strategy implementation and conflict resolution in the franchise business. Strategy Leadership, 40(5), 32 – 38.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More McCoy, K. (2011). Donald Trump Faces Lawsuits over Business Deals. Web.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Jerry siegel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Jerry siegel - Research Paper Example He had 5 siblings including 3 sisters and two brothers. His father himself was quite artistic who used to develop signs through his paint work and later his father started a haberdashery and he was one of those who not only recognized the artistic side of his youngest son, he even promoted his son to work on his talent. Jerry was left father less when his father passed away as a result of a heart attack which was caused due to a robbery that took place in his store. Siegel might have gained his inspiration and recognized his career path due to his liking for comics, movies and magazines that published science fiction. Later he become an active participant of meeting up with people who had a taste for science fiction and the people he used to meet even included Jack Williamson who himself became a great author. During the session of 1929 when he was only 15 years old, he started creating stories that were comic in nature with the assistance of a typewriter and his work was then advert ised in Science Wonder Stories’ classified section. In the following years he continued to produce similar kind of work. He spent his high school life in Cleveland’s school of Glenville high School and was a contributor for the school’s weekly news issue. During his high school years he was quite shy of a person but was well known among his friends and other school members for conducting parody of Tarzan. At age of 16, he and Joe who was one of the creators of Superman became close friends. Since the start of the friendship of these two artistic individuals, they worked and produced various comics including the musketeer which was their debut comic creation. The Grace of superman Superman was never created a flying hero, he was first created as a villain by the combination of Joe and Siegel and when they created this element, they portrayed him as someone who wanted to rule the world. This character made his first appearance in mini story which was recognized as The Reign of the Super-Man and this story was published during the period of 1933 by Siegel himself. This negative role of the superman was not welcomed and was almost a failure, this made the creators of the figure think and they decided to show a positive image of the character. During 1934, a positive superman was created as seen by the people of 20th and the 21st century. After creating the super hero, both companions started a quest to in order to locate a publisher for their character and after sex years the character was published in a superhero’s role and was recognized as Detective Dan: Secret Operative No. 48 (Schelly 92). The new role gained great popularity and a positive letter was delivered to both the creators but the letter disallowed them from creating such a comic book in future. Due to this Joe experienced shock and in despair he burned the entire story and the only part of the literary work remaining was the cover of the book as it was saved by Siegel. In comparison to the character of superman, the creators created yet another figure regarded as Slam Bradley who was an adventurer and it was published in comics that were based on detectives. The character was p
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Internet Decreases Socialization Research Paper
The Internet Decreases Socialization - Research Paper Example They are extremely tempted by the numerous ideas, ideologies, and options, to which they are exposed over the Internet. This pushes those young people to spend hours and hours either to navigate the Internet, searching for ideas, news, and products, or chatting with their friends as well as strangers. Therefore, young people may spend a lot of time online without they feel tired or bored. However, the long time spent on the Internet is seen by many people as a disadvantage, because this time is usually taken from the actual time spent face to face with other people. That is, the Internet leaves its negative impact on the experience of social interaction. In this context, many modern social analysts argue that "today, people spend more time using communication technology than they did twenty years ago" (Degord). Accordingly, a heated controversy has started to emerge about the probable negative impacts of the Internet over the process of socialization of young people. While some socia l analysts undermine the negative effects that may be caused by the relatively long time spent on the Internet, there are other analysts who raise serious concerns regarding the minimization of physical socialization because of the Internet. In spite of the various advantages of the Internet, yet it minimizes social interaction and promotes isolation among young people. Undoubtedly, the Internet has revolutionized the lives of people in many aspects. The Internet represents an open window on the world for young people, through which they can do a variety of activities, such as reading news, chatting with friends, and learning new ideas and opinions. Some of the significant activities that young people can do online include reading books and articles, looking for information about any topic, and being involved in discussions on newsgroups and billboards. In this regard, a professor in the School of Law, University of Glasgow, called Thomas B. Riley, claims that "the Internet is a rev olutionary medium that has afforded the opportunity for millions of people to open themselves to a rich panoply of information and services" (Riley). Consequently, the Internet has become a significant source of information for all kinds of people, especially young and educated ones. The Internet plays an important enlightenment role for navigators and researchers, especially those who work or study in the academic field. In additions, some social and political analysts believes that the Internet can also create a net of social relations among users. For instance, Jeffrey Boase, professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto, argues that â€Å"the internet and email play an important role in maintaining the dispersed social networks†(Boase). Thus, if used properly and insightfully, the Internet can be a valid important technology that may widen the scope of our knowledge and prepare young generations for their future careers in their lives. Nevertheles s, the excessive use of the Internet by young people may minimize physical social interaction, negative impact the process of socialization, and promotes isolation and loneliness among people. Those who spend hours and hours chatting with other people over the Internet are actually getting away from their social surrounding and creating a lonely world of their own (Snook). This is mainly because they do not physically and socially interact with other people and involve
Monday, January 27, 2020
Approaches to Management and Organisational Behaviour
Approaches to Management and Organisational Behaviour Approaches to Management and Organisational Behaviour 1. Objectives This report is to further develop the understanding on the management and organisational behaviors of organizations by studying on several areas including the business background, organisational structure design and the organisations approaches of two organisations which are having similar business nature. Organisations approaches include motivation, leadership, learning knowledge management, human resource management, culture diversity, information technology and communication which would be discussed one by one in the following sections. Two organisations which are being studied and discussed in this report are Google Inc. and Microsoft Corporation. 2. Business Background Google Inc. (named as Google in this report) is a technology company which was founded by two Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in Year 1998. Googles organisational mission is To organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful aiming to develop and provide powerful search engine for letting people to find what they are looking for faster and easier. Google is acting as an Internet Information Provider with the core business on providing search services and advertising through internet. It provides various internet services (including e-mail services, online shopping services, YouTube and so on) and document processing solutions Google Doc, which is available online at free for people to view/ save/ edit/ save documents, to public. Besides, it also provides different kinds of customized intranet or software solutions on Search or Document Processing technology to enterprises. Apart from providing internet or intranet services via networked PCs, Google also working hard on developing the technology for allowing people to access information via mobile devices like operating system Android which is specifically designed to be used in mobile devices , and Chrome OS which is designed for portable PC such as netbooks.. Google grows so quickly that apart from the corporate headquarter, named Googleplex located in California U.S.A., it also has branches located in different countries (including USA, Europe, Asia, Canada, Latin America and so on) around the world and now having more than 19,000 employees worldwide. (Google Inc. 2009) Microsoft Corporation (name as Microsoft in this report) is a technology company which was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in Year 1975. Microsofts organisational mission and values are To help people and business throughout the world realize their full potential aiming to provide and support people the most innovative ways and technologies (including software and hardware devices) for bringing out peoples talent and achieving their goals at the highest level. Microsoft is acting as a worldwide software and hardware products and solutions provider with 7 core business categories (as below listed) covers the needs for different gradation of people, also covers both peoples living and business. Windows Client: including all Microsoft Windows embedded operating system, Information Worker: including all Microsoft stand-alone desktop applications like Microsoft Officeetc, Business Solutions: including all Microsoft customized business process applications and services, Server Tools: including all Microsoft server software, software developer tools and developer network, Mobile and Embedded Devices: including all Microsoft mobile devices like Pocket PC, Mobile Explorer microbrowseretc, MSN: including all Microsoft web-based services and Home Entertainment: including all Microsoft consumer hardware software, online games, TV platformetc. Microsoft is a globalized world size organisation. Apart from its headquarter located in Redmond, USA, it is now having over 40 offices in different countries and having over 90,000 employees worldwide. 3. Organisational Structure and Design 3.1 Organisation Structure of Google Google consisted of a lot of shareholders, every shareholder had the right to vote for the decision. At the same time, Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin had the sufficient power to affect the final decision in order to make sure whole organization is under control. Although Google is now a globalized world sized organisation, it kept having a flat and short organisational structure rather than bureaucratic structure in order to able things to be done quickly since it believed time was peoples most valuable treasure. Besides, Google also believed innovation and acting were much more important than deciding. Thus, it empowered their engineers to make decisions and acts by themselves as long as their decisions were innovative and could lead the organisation to go further and quicker. Whole organisation was divided by function as shown as below structure chart (The Official Board 2009). Each functional department was worked as a team responsible for specific job function with clearly defined job duties instead of multi-functions. Google focused on people. It cared about the needs of the users (clients / customers) as well as the employees. All-hands meetings and team building activities were held regularly for understanding the needs and establishing the relationship among the employees. 3.2 Organisation Structure of Microsoft Microsoft was run by a board of directors who were elected every year during shareholders meeting. Meanwhile there were total five committees which handled more specific matters. These committees included: Audit Committee which oversaw account and audit issues; Compensation Committee which handled and approved the matters regarding the compensation to CEO or employees; Finance Committee which handled financial matters like proposing mergers; Governance and Nominating Committee which was in charge of corporate matters include nomination of Boards Antitrust Compliance committee which handled the laws issues. Each committee oversaw specific matters and under these five committees there were sixteen company offices located in different countries which handled the daily operation matters. The organisational chart of the company office is shown as below. (Cogmap 2009) Each company office was divided by function, and each function was further divided into small and more specific function which handled by a team. Microsoft focused on having things done fast rather than bureaucracy, each company office was empowered to make decision and the committees oversaw each company office through the data in their centralized data base system and regular meetings. Last but not list, Microsoft concerned about the needs and the growth of its employees. It aimed to provide employees a supportive, health and happy working environment which helped the employees do their best work and have sufficient resources for developing their own career. 3.3 Compare the Similarities and Differences of Organisational Structure between Google Microsoft Decentralisation is the process of which upper management authorizing or empowering lower peers to make decision which allow more flexibility on decision making. (Dubois Fattore 2009) On the contrary, bureaucracy is an organizational structure which has the main features including specialisation, hierarchy of authority, system of rules and impersonality according to Stewarts study. It focuses on procedures and all the power is centralised at Top management. All decisions can only be made by Top management instead of the employees and what employees can do is to follow instruction. Google and Microsoft were having very similar organisation structure. They both ran the organisation in decentralized structure instead of bureaucratic structure, such that their employees or individual departments were empowered to make some decision by themselves instead of having all decisions made by the top management. At the same time, Google and Microsoft had applied Human relation approach as their core approach to organisation and management, such that they focused on the psychological and social needs of people at work. They provided perfect working environment, benefits, opportunities on developing career and talent, team building activities which not only supported their employees basic social needs but also the psychological needs. 4. Approaches to Management Organisational Behaviour 4.1 Motivation Google believed every employee was equally important to its success and all employees were innovative and creative as long as they felt comfortable in their working environment and free to share their ideas. Thus, Google provided their employees the best working environment Googleplex. Apart from office, there were also cafà ©, gym, washing machines, video games machines and table tennis tables in Googleplex which were provided to all their employees. Besides, Google also believed innovation and acting were much more important than deciding. At Google, there was a 20-precent time, such that all employees were encouraged to spend 20% of their working time on developing any project that they were interested in or they thought was valuable. Google also empowered their engineers to make decisions and acts by themselves as long as their decisions were innovative and could lead the organisation to go further and quicker. In addition, Google not only emphasized on team achievements, but also cared about the individual accomplishment. Every employee was encouraged to take part in leading the organisation towards the success. (Google Inc. 2009) Microsofts organisational mission was To help people and business throughout the world realize their full potential. Microsoft believed in the power of technologies and it deeply believed its products and services helped people to bring out their potential. Employees were encouraged to improve existing products and services or develop innovative products for helping people and community. Microsoft believed all its employees were innovative, skillful, self direct and self control. As long as its employees ideas could lead the organisation towards the success, it provided full support for actualizing the ideas. Apart from providing perfect working environment and full support of resources, tools and facilities, Microsoft also provided options to its employees for choosing their career path by their own. Employees could choose to keep on further develop their professional by staying at their current position or choose to try to work on other functional field which is completely difference from their own original professional, that allowed the employees to go toward their dream and achieve what they want. (Microsoft Corporation 2009) With referenced to McGregors theory X and theory Y, Google and Microsoft were having the similar belief as theory Y. It believed all their employees were innovative, hardworking, creative, responsible, self direct and self control. Relationship among the organisation and employees were based on participation, commitment, trust and open. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, Google and Microsoft not only fulfilled peoples basic needs (including physiological and safety), they also fulfilled their employees with the upper levels including love, self-esteem and self-actualization. 4.2 Leadership Google focused on people. Apart from the users who used their online services, it put its employees at the first place of the organization. Employees at Google were being inspired and trusted rather than managed. Leadership that was carried among the leader (top management) and followers (employees or subordinates) was a kind of Action-centred leadership established based on consideration. Google had a very clear objectives that they did Search and goaled to develop and provide perfect search engine. It encouraged employees to see their work as challenge and let employees believe challenge was fun. Besides, Google kept its working atmosphere casual, provided perfect working environment, encouraged employees to speak or express their idea and opinions freely which allowed the needs of each employee to be realized and fulfilled by the organisation. At the same time, there were clear principles guideline and principles which guided employees actions and provided a clear direction to emp loyees to follow. (Google Inc. 2009) Microsoft concerned about the freedom and the individual growth of each employee. It treated the relationship among employees, managers Microsoft as a kind of partnership. At Microsoft, managers acted like coaches who brought out the organisations needs and business priorities and provided support and efforts to the employees helping them to bring their talents in full play and do their best work. At the same time, Microsoft acted like a supporter for supporting the partnership between managers and employees by providing best working environment, opportunities and resources. Employees had freedom to choose how their career path goes. They could choose to keep on further development within their existing position or make functional change by trying different job positions among different functional departments which depended on each employees own ability and choose. (Microsoft Corporation 2009) Both Google and Microsoft were having the similar leadership approaches as McGregors theory Y that all employees should be inspired and respected instead of controlled since they all were innovative, responsible, self direct and self control. Google, Microsoft and McGregors theory Y believed employees enjoy their work duties and they were able and willing to seek out the ways to do their job best as long as they were guided appropriately and supported with sufficient resources. 4.3 Learning and knowledge management Google emphasized on discovering peoples actual needs, solving real-world problems and encouraging new ideas instead of just fitting the needs. Google supported its employees to keep on further study on what they were working on by providing tuition reimbursement as long as the employees had achieved certain grades or certification. Besides, Google also provided its own designed training to its employees in order to make sure all employees were skillful and knowledgeable enough to cope with their daily jobs and problems. (Google Inc. 2009) Microsoft believed every employee was responsible for his own career and all employees were able to learn through experience. Thus, it put efforts on providing a supportive working environment where employees could lean and grow while working. At Microsoft, education and training programs were also provided to employees for increasing their awareness, skills, knowledge and ability. Besides, there was tuition reimbursement program in order to encourage employees to keep on learning (Microsoft Corporation 2009) Learning is about change. Google and Microsoft understood that the world is changing every second and it was importance to have their employees kept on learning in order to maintain sufficient ability to cope with changes and challenges. They both used the ways of providing specific training programs and tuition reimbursing programs for letting their employees to learn the explicit knowledge. At the same time, Google focused on employees ability rather than experience and believed all its employees were innovative and creative when they felt comfortable and fun. Thus, it provided a perfect relax working environment and causal working atmosphere to its employees. While Microsoft believed in the power of tacit knowledge, it appreciated every employees own experience from different market and background and treated this as a kind of wisdom and wealth. Thus, it focused on giving a supportive working environment which allowed employees to learn while working. 4.4 Human resource management Google concerned people. It provided a perfect working environment to its employees and tried its best to recognize employees needs. Besides, Google respected and treated every employee equally as an important part. It favored ability rather than experience and focused on innovation and creativity of people rather than the technical skills, such that it provided equal chances to various types of people including fresh graduated students or non-experienced people to become a part of Google. At Google, it was committed to provide opportunities to employees to bring their talent into full play. Apart from assigned daily job duties, all employees were encouraged to develop their own ideas and work on the projects that they thought were valuable. This not only provided opportunities to employees to further develop their career along with their interest and skill, but also provided employees the chances to explore their talent. Google appreciated team success as well as employee individual accomplishment. Apart from this, Google had its own education program which aimed to improve its recruitment strategies and techniques for choosing the most suitable people to become a part of Google. (Google Inc. 2009) Microsoft focused on employees freedom, balance and autonomy. It aimed to provide a flexible workplaces and full support of programs and resources to their employees in order to allow them to fully develop their talents and do the best work. Besides, Microsoft provided options of career path for its employees to choose which allowed employees to develop their career paths by their own choice. Microsoft concerned about ability and innovation as well as technical skill and experience. It welcomed people who came from any marketing fields and background. At the same time, Microsoft also offered benefits including health benefits, broadband connection to employees home, social club, career guidance, financial planning program, car leasing problem and so on, which not only covered individual employees personal needs, but also covered the needs for their family for allowing employees to enjoy a balance lives while developing their career. At the same time, Microsoft had divided its busines s into 7 categories which streamlined their business and allowed the job duties for each employee to be more specific. Last but not least, Microsoft made use of software system which helped to record and evaluate the performance of each employee for making sure they were doing their best and rewarded appropriately. (Microsoft Corporation 2009) With referenced to Mullinss studies, a completed HRM philosophy should: recognize peoples needs and expectations; respect everyone; treat everyone equally and have a fair reward system; offer stable employment; provide good working environment; provide opportunities for self and career development; concern freedom and comply with laws. Both Googles and Microsofts HRM complied with the above 8 philosophies. They focused on peoples, treated all employees equally and provided employees the best working environment and opportunities for further development. The main difference among Google and Microsoft was that Google hired people who were innovative rather that skillful or experienced. While Microsoft hired people who were innovative as well as skillful and experienced. 4.5 Culture and diversity Even Google is a globalized world sized organisation, it insisted to maintain small company feel that every employee was encouraged to make use of all the facilities and spaces which were opened to them in office or Googleplex in order to make themselves comfortable and enjoyable to work at Google, since Google deeply believed innovative ideas were always came out when people felt comfortable. At the same time, Googles culture also emphasized on having fun and enjoying lives, it kept the working atmosphere casual, helped employees to treat work as challenges and challenges as fun and focused on team work as well as individual accomplishment. Apart from these, Google paid attention on ensuring all employees were having balance lives styles which included work, play and life. Besides, all employees were treated equally and were encouraged to share or express their ideas with different teams or Top management including Co-founder Larry or Sergey directly. In addition, Google emphasized on team achievements as well as individual accomplishment. Every employee was encouraged to take part in leading the organisation towards the success. Microsoft focused on innovation and getting things done rather than bureaucracy. It concerned about people and saw every employee as its most valuable treasures. Every employee was treated equally and provided with opportunities. Microsoft emphasized on work and life balance, it encouraged employees to enjoy their lives with their family while developing their career and professional. Microsoft had passion for technology and believed in the power of technology which could help people to develop or bring their potential fully out at anytime anywhere. As per Microsofts organizational mission To help people and business throughout the world realize their full potential, it believed all its products and services were helping people to build up and realize their potential. Microsoft believed diversity enriched its performance, products and their communities where its employees lived and worked in. It concentrated on seeking people who were skillful, honest, open, willing to face by challenges and committed to personal excellence and self-improvement. (Microsoft Corporation 2009) With referenced to the seven dimensions of organizational culture, Google and Microsoft were having similar organizational couture. They both emphasized on innovation, risk taking and people orientation. Besides, Google also focused on Team orientation while Microsoft focused on outcome orientation. 4.6 Information Technology To organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful is Googles core mission. Google believed in the possibilities and boundless of the internet itself, it worked hard on developing the technology on accessing information and browsing web through the internet not only via networked PCs but also mobile devices, which allowed people (including its employees) to exchange or share information at anytime anywhere. Google put great effort on keep on modifying their software and upgrading their hardware / server setup in order to allow all the information was accessed in the fastest and simplest way. Apart from these, all employees were carrying a mobile devices like netbook or packet PC which allowed them to develop or express their ideas whatever or whenever there were new ideas come up to their mind. (Google Inc. 2009) As a worldwide software and hardware products and solutions provider, Microsoft believed Nothing is impossible for technologies. It worked hard on developing not only single category of technology but different categories including operating system, application solutions, network or internet technologies and mobile technologies. It took technology as a serious part of future and deeply trusted technology could bring people toward the upper level. (Microsoft Corporation 2009) Google and Microsoft were Technology Company, Google focused on developing the perfect search engine as well as other software solutions for allowing people to get the information they look for in the shortest and easiest way. While Microsoft focused on developing the technology for helping people to realize and bring out their potential. They both trusted in the possibility and huge power of technology, which provided people easier and better lives. At the same time, they realized the importance of information. They made effort in developing the technology for allowing people to access information more quickly and easily via various channels not only the internet but also the mobile devices or any other kinds of device. Apart from this, they also recognized the importance of the security of the information and tried hard to develop powerful salutation for protecting peoples privacy. 4.7 Communication At Google, all employees were greatly encouraged to share their ideas with different teams or the top peers of the organisation directly. For example, there were weekly all-hands meetings which allowed employees express their opinions. Since Google believed all its employees were innovative and self control as long as they were being comfortable and feeling fun, it provided the prefect and relax working environment and empowered its employees to make their own decision for carrying out their own ideas or projects. It also recognized the importance of information accessibility, it kept on developing new or optimizing the existing technologies and products for allowing people to access or exchange information more easily and quickly. All employees were communicated via multi-channels which increased the transparency and the flow of information among teams and different levels of management through out the whole organisation. (Google Inc. 2009) At Microsoft, all employees were welcomed to express their ideas. Relationship among the managers and employees was treated as a kind of partnership and respect rather than top-down relationship. Managers acted like coaches, they brought out the needs and the objectives of the organization, provided supports and advices for helping or allowing the employees to develop their individual career and talent along with the success of the organization. Apart from this, Microsoft made use of technology which allowed employees to access or share information among teams or departments via web base system (Microsoft Corporation 2009) Communication was a kind of exchange or transfer of information or understanding. With referenced to Eric Bernes the Ego-State (or Parent-Adult-Child) model, the core communication model that Google and Microsoft applied was Adult-to-Adult transactions. They respected their employees, focused on guiding and supporting their employees to solve problems, do their best work and further develop their career along with the organisations success rather than demanding, commanding, controlling or criticizing their employees. At the same time, Google also applied Adult-to-Child transactions, it made effort in keeping the working atmosphere casual and fun, and encouraging their employees to view challenges as fun in order to bring out their potential and maintain employees passion on what they are doing. Apart from this, Google and Microsoft encouraged employees to share their ideas with different teams and let them to communicate via multi-channels via decentralized networks. 5. Conclusion As a kind of Technology Company, Google and Microsoft were having quite similar organisational structure and managerial approaches. They both sought for three win situation (users win, employees win and the organization wins) rather than focused on organisations revenue only. They put the users and employees at the first place since they believed organisations would only win while all people including both their users (customers) and employees won. In order to cope with the rapid changes of this world, they both chose to run their organisation with decentralized structure instead of bureaucratic structure in order to allow more flexibility. Both organisations, which included Technical level, Managerial level and Community level, were divided by functions which allowed each functional group handles specific function. Google and Microsoft respected their employees, they believed their employees were innovative, self direct and self control same as McGregors theory Y. It was not necessary to control the employees, but higher level of employees needs, including the level of love / belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization according to Maslows hierarchy of needs, should be fulfilled for maintaining employees motivation on their work. At both organisatoins, employees were being inspired or guided for bringing out their talent in order to further develop their career path along with organisations success. Learning is about change. Both Google and Microsoft provided their employees training, education program or other supportive programs for encouraging them to keep on learning in order to have sufficient ability to cope with changes or solve problems by themselves. One main difference among Google and Microsoft was that Google did not concern much about employees working experience but it only focused on employees innovation and ability. For Microsoft, it concerned about employees innovation and ability as well as working experience. It treated employees individual working experience or background as a kind of valuable treasure and wisdom. Regarding HRM, Google and Microsoft followed Mullinss eight HRM philosophies. They tried hard to understand and fulfill their employees needs and expectations by encouraging their employees to express their opinions and providing employees sufficient support. They respected their employees without any discrimination. They treated everyone equally, offered stable employment, provided prefect working environment, provided opportunities, concerned freedom and complied with laws. With referenced to the seven dimensions of organizational culture, Google and Microsoft were having similar organizational culture. They both emphasized on innovation, risk taking and people orientation. Besides, Google also focused on Team orientation such that it appreciated team work, while Microsoft focused on outcome orientation which concerned about getting the result. Google and Microsoft realized the important of technology and recognized that information was a kind of very valuable treasure. They put all their effort on developing technology which allowed information to be searched, accessed or exchanged in the fastest and easiest way. They both make use of their own technologies to allow their employee to access and exchange information in the fasted ways. They also encouraged their employees to communicate in various channels. In conclusion, there was no golden organisational structure or golden managerial approaches, which were suitable for all organisations. The structure or approaches which were applied by Google and Microsoft might not be suitable for other organisations even they were same kind of Technology Company. The effectiveness of the organisational structure and managerial approaches was organisation dependent, such that the structure and approaches would only be workable with the organisation as long as they matched with the culture of that organisation. Each organisation should have its own design of the organisational structure and managerial approaches based on its culture and needs. Otherwise, the structure and approaches not only could not help the organisation, but might damage the origanisational health. References Cogmap (2009) Microsoft [online] available from [31 December 2009] Dubois, H.F.W. Fattore, G. (2009), Definitions and typologies in public administration research: the case of decentralization, International Journal of Public Administration, 32(8): 704-727. Google Inc.(2009) Google Corporate Information [online] available from [29 December 2009] Microsoft Corporation (2009) Careers Home [online] available from [30 December 2009] Mullins L.J. (2007) Management And Organisational Behaviour. 8th ed.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Parenting skills Essay
What role do you think discipline plays in developing a child’s self-esteem? What forms of discipline best serve the self-esteem of the child or adolescent? -I think that discipline done correctly could help in a child’s self-esteem. When you discipline a child make sure that they understand WHY and it makes them feel trustworthy, and included. If you treat discipline like a dictatorship the child feels like you’re abusive and they are stupid and untrustworthy. people with low self-esteem generally Fail to achieve their goals, Are not able to pursue accomplishments in a responsible and disciplined manner, Have poor communication skills, Have a pessimistic view on life, Are prone to anxiety, depression, hostility, loneliness, shame, and guilt, Form unhealthy, destructive relationships with others, and Make decisions in life more to please others than to adhere to their own interests and value systems. List and discuss how activities, clubs, or sports, impact the s elf-esteem of children and parents. Provide at least two activities, clubs, or sports in your answer. – parents should encourage children to participate in sports and clubs that are productive and give their children a feeling of accomplishment. However, it is not always advantageous for a parent to push a child toward a particular sport or activity. For example, a boy with little skill or interest in football might play the game because of pressure from his father, just as a girl who doesn’t like cheerleading and isn’t good at it might do it because her mother was cheerleading captainâ€â€but this is unlikely to improve self-esteem.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Geography Bangladesh Coursework
To what extent does the Physical Environment of Bangladesh determine its level of development? What efforts could be made to reduce the country's problems? The aim of this coursework is to investigate how Bangladesh's Physical environment is affecting the rate of the development of the country. Furthermore, to explore what efforts could be made to reduce the country's problems. [Section 1] To what extent does the Physical Environment of Bangladesh determine its level of development? Bangladesh is situated in South Asia. It is surrounded by India, and borders Burma. The population is roughly 150 million people; 45% of it's population is in poverty. The minority of the population of in Bangladesh are located in Dhaka, the capital city, Chittagong and Khulna; most of the population are located in rural areas. The main river running through Bangladesh is the Ganges-Brahmaputra. This river is the main cause of the issues in Bangladesh. Monsoons occur every year, without fail, causing the country even more problems. Only 40. % of the adult population are literate, and only 21. 6% of children have secondary education. The government are continually trying to solve the problems, but this is unsuccessful as a result of the country's poor wealth. Bangladesh is 49. 8% below the poverty line referring to its wealth, and its rapid population growth hinders the development of the country. There are many reasons why Bangladesh is an LEDC. The main reason for this, is the flooding which occurs every year as a harsh result of the monsoons, prohibiting the speed of development. The river Ganges-Brahmaputra is seen as an ‘untameable' river, which changes its form very frequently. This causes disaster in itself as it destroys many parts of Bangladesh's fertile land which is at is best by the river. As a result of this, there are a lot of homes located along the river as it is a main source of water for everyday life, and to provide jobs such as farming and agricultural work. As a result of this, the continuous building and rebuilding of communities uses time and money, consequently slowing down the progression of the country. Another reason for Bangladesh being an LEDC is a consequence of its highly dense population. This would not be a problem if money was sufficient in Bangladesh, but the country is poor, meaning it cannot provide for its large number of inhabitants. Finally, the aid given to Bangladesh by other countries can be useless, for example, much of the money aid given to the Bangladeshi government, are loans. When the country cannot afford pay back the loans, Bangladesh is in more and more debt, meaning the development of the country is decelerate. Furthermore, most of the other aid given to the country does not help the poor, continuing poverty; highly-skilled experts can be expensive, again spending the money the government do not have; charities can be influenced by the people who support them, therefore the aid given may to be teach a certain subject, whereas simple life skills may be of more use; and fi- nally, the aid may be given to individuals, rather than communities which would be more useful. Bangladesh is between stages 2 and 3 in development. The country is poorly educated, meaning families are stuck in a poverty circle. This is when a family are poor, they have many children because the majority of them will die due to disease and malnutrition. The family need the surviving children to work to provide for the family, and to look after the parents when they are old. Then the children have children, who will do the same for their parents. This is a vicious circle which is extremely hard to get out of. Another reason why Bangladesh is in between the stages 2 and 3 is because of the floods, continually destroying parts of the country, and their valuable crops which help to provide many, many families with income. Furthermore, the money aid given to the country is usually in the form of loans; when the country is unable to repay these loans, they get into serious debt. The reason Bangladesh is in the development stages between 2 and 3 is as a result of a combination of factors. (Data from 1989. ) The employment structure in Bangladesh is very different from here in the UK. In the UK, just 7% of the population are unemployed; whereas in Bangladesh, 25% of the population are unemployed. Of those who are employed, 75% work in agricultural jobs such as, farming the fertile land. In the UK, only 2% of the population are employed for agricultural positions. % of the Bangladeshi population are working for the industry, and 20% of the UK work for the industry. 78% of the employed population in the UK are working in services, and just 19% in Bangladesh. This data shows that Bangladesh are still very much relying on the old way of life, working on farms for example, while most of the population in the UK are working in jobs such as policemen/women. This also implies that if the land is damaged, or crops do not flourish successfully as a result of the flooding, almost four fifths of the population suffer from an immense fall in their income. This is a major reason contributing to why Bangladesh's physical environmental is such an impact on the stage of development. Bangladesh do have another way of making money though. They export some goods, mainly to the US. The main exports are fish products, textiles, clothing and jute (a type of woven material). This brought in $1,305 million to Bangladesh in 1989. Bangladesh is situated in Asia. It borders Burma, and is surrounded by India. The land in Bangladesh is mainly floodplains and delta; suggesting that there would be a high level of flooding in the country, slowing down any development of the area. As we can see from the map, (below), most of the land is in the colour blue, meaning it is very close to sea level, increasing the chances of flooding. Also, there are many swampy locations liable to flooding. The majority of the country is up to just 10 meters above sea level. The country is flat, also meaning when large amounts of flooding by the large and main rivers occur, the water would spread out quickly, therefore this would affect vast areas of the country, rather than just secluded areas. The main rivers flowing through Bangladesh are the River Brahmaputra, the River Meghna and the River Ganges. This, therefore, affects a huge number of the people, as when the rivers flood, the rivers are close together, increasing the volume of the flood water, and increasing the impact on the Bangladeshi society. As a result of the country being mainly floodplains and the four main rivers running through, building on the plains would be unconstructive and a waste of valuable money, this meaning the development of the country is very limited, due to the physical features of Bangladesh. The climate in Bangladesh is split into three main phases; the hot season, the cool season and the rainy season. The hot season is between March and June. The cool season is between November and February, and the rainy season is between June to September. The hot season is known to consist of some heavy showers. Depending on the area, the amount of rainfall throughout Bangladesh in the rainy season, ranges between 200cm and 300cm; the north tends to have the most rain. During this season, tropical rainstorms occur also. These can cause very strong winds and more heavy rain. The wind spreads the flood water out more over many miles, causing excess flooding, prohibiting development of the country further. The temperatures in Bangladesh are fairly consistent. The temperatures do drop during the winter, but on average, do not fall to below 10 degrees Celsius. In the summer, the temperatures reach their highest during April and May. These temperatures are roughly 34 degrees Celsius. The annual monsoons have devastating effects on the people of Bangladesh. Firstly, the floods have destroyed many of the Bangladeshi people's homes and many communities, leaving some dead, and some badly injured. Aid has to be called for as the country cannot support itself alone, meaning they have to rely on others. Another effect is that cattle are stranded and worse, drowned in the floods. This means farmers are losing valuable ‘tools,' consequently loosing money as a result. Furthermore, the water will become stagnant and cause things to rot, attracting vermin, eventually spreading disease. In addition to this, homes and building vital for development of the country will be destroyed, bringing development back to square one every time there is a major flood. As we can see, there is a huge impact of monsoons on the whole country, keeping it in a state of poverty. Yes, the weather does effect the development of the country as every time the country is flooded, valuable and limited money is spent on repairs and aid. This can get Bangladesh onto serious debt, meaning money is spent on other things which need to be spent on development, stumping the development of the country on a regular basis. There are three main rivers running through Bangladesh. There is the River Brahmaputra (below left and below right), the River Meghna and the River Ganges. The River Brahmaputra is the largest of the three; it is 2,900km long in total. The river does not start in Bangladesh, but it splits into two there. The river also flows through Tibet, India and China as well as Bangladesh. The rivers source is high up in the Himalayas in Tibet, and travels at a steep anticlimax until it finally levels out in the plains in India. After 35km of travel, the river joins to two others, and becomes the very wide River Brahmaputra. The river travels into Bangladesh, and is used there for a range of purposes. The main ones being a source of energy, food, clean water, deposition of waste in the deepest parts, defence barriers and transport. One of the most important uses of the river is for energy. Because there are waves, generators are assembled and when the waves reflect off of them, energy and power is created. Much energy is produced every second because the river is so large. Another main use of the river, is that it is fast moving water, (not as fast as the Ganges), meaning it is fresh, enabling the people to use it as drinking water. People will bottle this water, and sell it. A good way of making money. People are able to use boats and swim in the river as the water is not as rough in the River Brahmaputra than it is in the River Ganges. The river causes many problems as well as being of use to the people. When it floods, which is every year, it kills crops, people and cattle. It also destroys homes and leaves villages wrecked. The river Ganges is seen as a wild and untameable river. Its source is also in the Himalayas at the confluence of six other rivers. A confluence is the meeting of two or more rivers or water sources. The Ganges then flows through India and into Bangladesh. The river is seen as sacred to the people because when it comes into the city of Kanpur, it is joined by the Yamuna at Allahabad. This point is recognised as the Sangam at Allahabad. The Sangam is a scared place in Hinduism, therefore the river has some religious meaning to it. The River Ganges has also been used for modern day films, and to test out new submarines. Because of its unique features, some submarines and other vessels have been named after it. The final main river is the River Meghna. This river begins its journey in the hilly regions of India. It is the only one of the three main rivers that actually forms inside of Bangladesh itself. It is a very dangerous river, so the people who live near it, cannot use it as it is so very dangerous. Its only use to its people is that it deposits a lot of silt, so therefore the local farmers can enjoy successful crops. As we can see, each river has advantages and disadvantages. The River Ganges is viewed as the least constructive of the main rivers as it is prone to flooding, and the deposition of silt is low, meaning it is of little use to farmers. In addition to this, the river is highly polluted. The River Meghna is useful as it deposits a lot of silt, yet is far too dangerous to bath or wash, cook clean etc. in. So, this means that the River Brahmaputra is the most useful to the country. It allows people drinking water, water to cook, clean and sell. Furthermore, it is a huge supplier of energy to Bangladesh, meaning it is valuable for the development of the country. Deforestation does have a large impact on the rivers in Bangladesh. It increases the amount of surface runoff where the forest has been cleared because there is no interception of the plants and there are no trees to use the extra water in photosynthesis. This means that the surface runoff will flow into the rivers, causing the water levels to rise, and contributing to the flooding. To conclude, the rivers have uses, but are also prone to at least 3 major floods a year, hindering the development of the country. Deforestation is causing a rise in water levels also. However, the River Brahmaputra is a useful source of energy, helping to contribute to the development of the country. There are many things which are being done to overcome the Bangladesh's problems. As a result of the country's poor wealth, it is a great struggle to try to pull the country out of its current state of poverty. There already have been, and will be many schemes to try to rule out the problems Bangladesh has and is experiencing. For example, the Flood Action Plan was set up, also, the World Bank plan was established, flood guards have been purchased, and the H. E. E. D scheme was set up. The H. E. E. D Scheme The H. E. E. D scheme was developed and designed by the Tear Fund. The Tear Fund is a Christian Charity, working globally to try to eliminate poverty. The H. E. E. D scheme's aim was to support villages in Bangladesh to push for a better future. H. E. E. D stands for Health, Education, Economic, Development. The scheme operates by addressing the roles of both women and men in society to allow everybody to play a part in trying to overcome problems, together. Women form in groups of about 20 to discuss problems and show that they have a voice and that they also have rights in society. Only the women are able to do this as they are the only ones who have the time. Their main role is to be a housewife, looking after the family, while the men are out working. The men work as farmers all day, therefore they are unable to support the women as much.
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