Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Human Trafficking A Serious Global Issue - 1404 Words
Human trafficking is and has been a serious global issue that dates as far back as Greek and Roman times. It became extremely prevalent in the 1600s with the introduction of the African slave trade to North America; it had begun in the early 1400s in Europe and Portugal (Source 1). However, as time progressed, another serious form of human trafficking gained â€Å"popularity†; sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is an â€Å"umbrella term†that includes many different commercial sex work. For example, â€Å"prostitution†¦ pornography, exotic dancing, stripping, live sex shows, mail-order brides, military prostitution, and sexual tourism†(Source 2). Although human trafficking with the intention of sexual exploitation is not limited to one sole gender, it is†¦show more content†¦All of this is a tactic known as guerilla pimping; it is a violent tactic used to recruit women and it often involves intimidation and aggression. Whether through sexual exploitation or labor, these women have no choice but to comply. This is true even for women who go abroad knowing that they will be working in the sex industry, but the expectations of what this means are always higher than the reality. But not every victim is forcibly and unwillingly kidnapped by traffickers. Some are sold into the trade by â€Å"parents, husbands, and significant others†(Source 2). These people are also fooled into thinking that their daughter or significant other will have a better life. Traffickers recruit victims who are â€Å"socially†vulnerable as well. In 2014 the Canadian National Task Force on Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls found that a majority of women and adolescents in the sex trade all share attributes like â€Å"a history of violence or neglect†or â€Å"a history of child sex abuse,†and are often homeless and are or have been in â€Å"state care, group homes, or foster care†( These girls are often extremely vulnerable to drug addiction, have physical disabilities, and are innumerate or illiterate. When attempting to recruit socially vulnerable women, a pimp will often present himself as someone who genuinely cares about the victim.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Book Review of William Goldings Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Flies Human Nature in the Middle East Introduction There are many pertinent and legitimate questions that can be raised involving human nature, William Goldings iconic novel Lord of the Flies, and the Middle Eastern society of today. This paper addresses those issues and concepts in light of what is happening in the Middle East today and also from the big picture of the Muslim community in the Middle East. Is it in fact fair to portray human nature (that is shown through Lord of the Flies) as reflecting human nature in Middle Eastern society? This paper approaches that subject in earnest. Understanding Lord of the Flies The theme is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. The moral is that the shape of society must depend on the ethical nature of the individual and not on any political system however apparently logical or respectable. The whole book is symbolic in nature†¦ (Golding quoted by Johnson, 2004). Kirstin Olsen writes that Lord of the Flies is †¦shaped by Western ideas about civilization and savagery and she asserts that the novel is also shaped by the British colonial period when the British Empire controlled many nations in the Middle East, including Egypt, Sudan, and Iran among other properties. The novel responds to the †¦pervasive belief in the superiority of British culture and to the belief that to be British was in some way the very opposite of being a savage (Olsen, 2000, p. 2). ThatShow MoreRelatedLord of The Flies Essay1673 Words  | 7 PagesLord of the Flies was published in 1954 by William Golding. Today Lord of the Flies is a well known literary criticism. Many schools require their students to read Lord of the Flies because of the literary criticisms in the book. In this paper three themes or literary criticisms are talked about: good vs. evil, symbolism of characters, and maturity of characters. Another topic in Goldings Lord of the Flies is the battle of good vs. evil. Everything seems to start out just fine on the island; theRead MoreLord of the Flies by William Golding1585 Words  | 7 Pages Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a fictional novel highlighting natural characteristics of man kind. The Book was created during the post World War II period. Before creating this novel, William had experience in the navy where he learned of the nature of mankind. The introduction of the book portrays a plane crash where a large group of boys are stranded on an island. Here they grow in character and human instincts such as leadership, brutality, and survival are displayedRead MoreThe Lord of the Flies by: William Golding Kristen Arscott Sir William Churchill had a poodle1700 Words  | 7 PagesThe Lord of the Flies by: William Golding Kristen Arscott Sir William Churchill had a poodle named Rufus. Rufus was so loved that he even ate his meals with the rest of his family in the dining room. A cloth was always laid out for him on the Persian rug beside the head of the household, and no one ate until the butler had served Rufus’s meal. One evening Churchill was watching the film Oliver Twist and Rufus, as usual, had the best seat in the house, on his master’s lap. At the point whereRead MoreThe Challenge Between Civilization and Savagery in Lord of the Flies by William Golding1090 Words  | 5 PagesIn the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, symbolism and allegories were used to show how the children who are stranded on an island have a huge struggle with civilization and savagery. Ralph, Piggy, Jack, and Simon are the ones in the novel that struggle with this the most. Golding wrote this story because he was horrified of Stalinism in Russia. His experience in World War II effected his view on humanity and evils that are capable of occurring. Ralph, Piggy, and Simon are manifestedRead MoreLord of the Flies2048 Words  | 9 Pagesnovels? In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, symbols are illustrated through people, objects, and colors. In this novel, a group of children are faced with the difficulty of living isolated from society after their plane crashes on a deserted island. With no formal civilization, parents, or rules, the kids have the freedom to do as they choose. Throughout the novel, the boys find and use objects on the island that symbolize something of different importance. In Lord of the Flies, William GoldingRead MoreKindness in an Unkind World1228 Words  | 5 PagesBeing a kind-hearted person in a savage world is not an easy thing to do. The savage world will usually get through to the kind person and change them into a monster, but not Simon. Throughout William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, Simon is the boy who remains good even when the rest of the world remains cruel. Simon is a quiet boy in the story who shows wisdom and civilization, on an uncivilized and savage island. Simon is first introduced when Ralph calls an assembly with the conch in theRead MoreThe Struggle for Power and Authority1184 Words  | 5 Pagesmankind. The two novels Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies both have main characters that uniquely manifest these attributes. Napoleon and Jack approach discipline in a dictorial manner by using intimidation, propaganda and fear while Snowball and Ralph apply a more democratic method when dealing with the animals. Napoleon and Snowball have different techniques and values on how leadership in life should be conducted. This is also true in Lord of the Flies in the conflict between Ralph and JackRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1444 Words  | 6 PagesInterviewer Let’s talk about William Golding and his most famous book, Lord of the Flies, in which a group of British schoolboys - aged from around 6-12 - become stranded on an island, and quickly begin their descent into chaos. Today, I am joined by literarian and William Golding expert, Lara Caglar. Expert Hi, Vanessa, it’s a pleasure to be here Interviewer Together, we will be discussing the question on everyone’s minds, what happened to Golding that led him to have such an incredibly negativeRead MoreLord Of The Flies Literary Analysis1534 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Golding can be clearly seen as a writer who knows what he is doing. From vivid description down to the most scrutinous detail to his plethoric of symbolism seen throughout the novel, it is clear that he is an experienced writer. From his other books like The Inheritors and The Scorpion God it can still be seen that one of his earlier books, Lord of the Flies, is truly one of his greatest masterpieces. That book would also be the topic of this essay, and from the very beginning was obviouslyRead MoreAn Investigation Of The Psychopath1417 Words  | 6 PagesAn Investigation of the Sociopath and the Psychopath in American Literature and Film Chances are you’re acquainted with a sociopathic character; you’ve probably read a book, watched a film or watched a television show that displays a character with sociopathic personality traits and have grown to enjoy following them through their story. It’s not uncommon; they’re charismatic, manipulative, powerful, and have an extremely different personality than most people. They’re charming and entertaining
Monday, December 9, 2019
An Act of God or Man The Buffalo Creek Flood Essay Example For Students
An Act of God or Man?: The Buffalo Creek Flood Essay West Virginia HistoryWVU-ITCheryl PackNovember 4, 1997February 26, 1972 started out like any other winter day in Buffalo Creek. Rain had been falling for several days. The day was dark and cold. Wendell Osbourne Sr. had no idea that this day would not be just any winter day. This day would end with the destruction of his entire way of life. By 10 a.m. on that Saturday morning, he would lose his son and daughter-in-law, his daughter, and 8 grandchildren . In fact, the break of the Pittston Coal companys dam at 8:05 that morning released more than 130 million gallons of black waste water. The subsequent flash flood caused the deaths of 125 people, injured 1100, and left over 4000 people homeless. In addition, 1000 vehicles were destroyed, 502 houses and 44 mobile homes were demolished. Damages were high. Of the houses and mobile homes still left standing 943 were in need of repair. Property damage was estimated at $50 million.Mr. Osbourne, Sr. is typical of the tragedy that occurred th at Saturday morning. Most of the victims and their surviving families had very little warning of the tragic events. There had been rumors for years that the dam was going to break, but no one paid much attention to them. In 1967, when the 1st impoundment at Buffalo Creek failed, the citizens were worried, but the 2nd impoundment built a few hundred yards down stream from the 1st was able to stop the rushing waters. There was no loss of life or property in that break. Very shortly after that the people of Buffalo Creek went back to business as usual. Even when Pittston built the behemoth 3rd impoundment that dwarfed the other two in comparison, no one seemed worried. Over the next few years, some citizens did worry though. A few who lived closest to the dam and a few who worked on or near it, began to think that it might break. As the water rose closer and closer to the top of the dam, their concern began to grow as well. And on that fateful Friday night, there was a small number who huddled in the schoolhouse in Laredo, because of the reports of a few of the men that the dam was imminently in danger of breaking . In fact, even some employees of Pittston knew that there were serious problems with the dam. Efforts went on all night to relieve the pressure on the dam and to shore up the top of the dam that was in danger of being breached by the rising water. At least one worried citizen called the sheriffs department to let them know about the impending disaster. The sheriff dispatched two deputies to start to warn residents about the danger. But the deputies were turned away by a Pittston employee. When the dam finally did break, most residents were either asleep or eating breakfast. Some never knew what happened, others had only minutes to try to scramble to higher ground. Even those at the schoolhouse in Laredo had to run for their lives. The schoolhouse was destroyed but all those inside made it to higher ground. Most of those who perished, died instantly. Ei ther they drowned or were fatally injured by the debris that was forced down the creek bed.There were very few seriously injured, survivors. This was fortunate because the relief efforts were delayed by the massive destruction itself. It was hours before the first relief efforts could reach the survivors. Most of the survivors relied on the goodness of the few neighbors who lived high enough up on the hillside, or far enough up some of the side hollows to have not been affected by the flood waters. The few who were seriously injured, were loaded into 4 wheel drive vehicles and started out to the nearest facility, Man Appalachian Regional Hospital. The 10-15 minute trip took most of the rest of that day, because of mud-slides and debris. Like any other disaster, the first hand accounts of the people who survived are filled with statements about being unable to describe the devastation, or using terms about .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f , .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .postImageUrl , .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f , .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f:hover , .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f:visited , .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f:active { border:0!important; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f:active , .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1c6349f5f84603233848412d65b31d5f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gullivers Travels Essay
Monday, December 2, 2019
Work Breakdown Structure Essay Example
Work Breakdown Structure Paper Chapman (2004) describes a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) as a results-oriented family tree that captures all the work of a project in an organized way. The WBS therefore presents graphically the tasks in tabular as a hierarchical tree but it can also be a presented as task list in the form of a Gantt chart schedule. A simple example of WBS is shown in Appendix A. WBS as a planning tool In simple sense, the WBS could be used as a planning tool. Some projects could really be too big that could result to confusion if no planning is done. Imagine a contractor planning to build 1,000 houses with a month without a plan. How will he or she see to it that materials are available and delivered on time would be serious thing to consider. Add the fact that prices of materials could fluctuate in the market that could affect the contractor is sourcing the same materials in the light of cash flow requirements. To illustrate, it could not just be assumed that the materials will all be delivered at the construction site immediately as there could be problems as to storage and even security. One could be overwhelmed and confused if the amount of work and time is underestimated when it will turnout that it could be more. Mismanagement of projects normally comes from lack of planning and one who wants to comply in contracts could not afford not to have a plan. The nature of contracts with the use of WBS Contracts that are entered into between the parties create obligation between them. A typical construction contract for example that exist between the contractor (builder) and a contractee (owner the building) will cause the contractor to deliver the constructed according to specifications (Prager, J.1994) made by the contractee. We will write a custom essay sample on Work Breakdown Structure specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Work Breakdown Structure specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Work Breakdown Structure specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Under the contract, the contractor must finish the building or project for given period time, using require materials, employing the required skills from its workers and completing other requirements that would satisfy the provisions of the contracts. The contractee in return may promise to pay the contractor based on progress billing or upon completion. Under either scenario, the work break structure may be of use to both parties. How may the contractor may make use of the WBS? On the part of the contractor, he or she may makes use of the WBS to plan the project for the construction of the house. In the WBS, contractor may specify the activities or the works to be accomplished within the a give period, which could daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly for big projects involving numerous number of housing units. With the WBS, which may be in form of a tree or Gantt chart, the corresponding cost and amount of materials may also be identified and plotted as guide by the contractor to see how he is or she is progressing in his or her work. Logically, the WBS could therefore serve as planning tool where the contractor could put down all the necessary activities that must be finished under given deadlines. In the case of progress billing type of contracts, the contractor can then use the WBS or the Gantt chart to document the extent of completion for purposes of billing the contractee. In the WBS, the contractor also binds himself or herself to do certain activities ahead of other, hence this could be used by the contractor to explain possible delay in finishing the contracts. A typical example is the delivery of materials beyond the control of the contractor. If the delay of the delivery was beyond the fault of the contractor, then the delay could be blamed on the said contractor, in which case the WBS could really a functional tool to justify delay so as to avoid damages. How may the contractee may make use of the WBS? On the part of the contractee, the WBS could be used to demand measurement of performance. As indicted earlier contract have deadlines, hence the contractee my charge some penalties for delay if such provisions were made part of the contract. On the basis of the WBS, the contractee may pay or may also refuse to pay in accordance with the contract. It could thus be said also that the WBS is the graphical representation of contract that was put in words and which was acknowledge in writing by the contracting parties. In so using the WBS, the contractee may check if the contractee is too fast that may tell something about the quality of project. Hence finishing ahead of time does not necessarily mean that the contractor is efficient. In construction contracts time could be very relevant in imposing standards. Cements need to dry well before other part of construction could continue and for some this may take time. Even in soil preparation good construction practice allow the passage of time to make it sure the materials need to be allowed some time to effective. This could be applicable also in the case of paints. The WBS could therefore guide the contractee in verifying that only the works to be done first should be done ahead to ensure quality of the project. In case of lack of fault of both contracting the parties, the WBS is desirable to have a contingency plan in order to prevent losses to both parties. In certain contracts however, time is of the essence that completion on time could be of paramount importance. Conclusion We have seen that work breakdown structure has its use and purpose in contracts. From the were discussed, it could thus be said that the WBS is a requirement for contract as a planning tool, as an evaluation tool and even as a legal tool for both of the parties of the contract to measure and determine the compliance of their obligations to each other. Based on discussion, the view could be confirmed that WBS may be designed to try to achieve certain goals such as: (1) being compatible with how the work that will be done and how costs and schedules will be managed; (2) giving visibility to important or risky work efforts; (3) allowing mapping of requirements, plans, testing, and deliverables; (4) fostering clear ownership by managers and task leaders; and (5) providing data for performance measurement and historical databases (Chapman, 2004). Appendix A, Source: Chapman, J. (2004) References: Chapman, J. (2004) Introduction to the WBS, {www document} URL http://www. hyperthot. com/pm_wbs. htm, Accessed June 5,2007 Prager, J. (1994) Contracting out Government Services: Lessons from the Private Sector, Public Administration Review, Vol. 54, 1994
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Black Hawk Down essays
Black Hawk Down essays Columbia Pictures starring Josh Harnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore, William Fichtner, Eric Bana, Ron Eldard, and Sam Shepard released Black Hawk Down in 2001. It was directed and produced by Ridley Scott and Jerry Bruckheimer. Mark Bowden wrote the story, and Ken Nolan wrote the screenplay. The film is about an elite group of American Rangers and Delta Force soldiers who were sent to Somalia in 1993 to capture a violent warlord whose corrupt regime had lead to the starvation of hundreds of thousands of Somalis. The movie could have told the stories of hundreds of soldiers that were there but it focused on only a few. The main characters in this movie were, Staff Sergeant Matt Eversmann, played by Josh Hartnett, Sergeant 1st Class Norm Hoot Gibson, played by Eric Bana, Company Clerk John Gohn Grimes, played by Ewan McGregor, Lt. Colonel Danny McKnight, played by Tome Sizemore, Sergeant 1st Class Jeff Sanderson, played by William Fichtner, Major General William Garrison, played by Sam Shepard, and Chief Warrant Officer Mike Durant, played by Ron Eldard. Black Hawk Down accurately depicts the battle that the American troops had to face to help the people of Somalia. The Army Rangers and the Delta Force are known today as elite fighting forces in the U.S. Armed Forces. In the film the soldiers continued to fight even though they were out numbered and had a lot of wounded and dead soldiers. The men of Delta Force and the Army Rangers always stood by each other and said, it is about the man next to you. The Delta Force and Army Rangers are very strong forces. They hold themselves at a higher level then other units in the armed forces. The Rangers Creed is used to symbolize the heart and effort of each soldier. The Rangers Creed is, Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Use ABC Books All the Way Through High School
How to Use ABC Books All the Way Through High School We often think of ABC books as being educational only for young children. However, alphabet books can be successfully used for students in the elementary grades all the way though high school. No, not your typical A is for apple, B is for bear books, but ABC book format. Using the ABC outline as a guide for writing allows for a creative, concise presentation of the subject matter and is versatile enough to use for nearly any age, ability level, or topic. What You’ll Need to Create an ABC Book ABC books are simple to make and dont require anything beyond basic supplies you probably already have in your home or classroom unless you want to get fancy with them. Youll need: A composition book or supplies for making your own book (such as a mini book or accordion book)​Pencil or penCrayons, markers, or other art medium for illustratingSample ABC books (The series, Discovering America State by State provides a wonderful example of how much or how little detail can be included in a book using the ABC format.) If you want to get a bit fancier, a blank book, available at craft stores or online retailers, is a good option. These books have a blank, hardback cover and blank pages, allowing students to customize and illustrate every aspect of the book. A book intended for journaling can also make a fabulous option for an ABC book. How to Write an ABC Format Book An ABC format book is an excellent alternative to a traditional written report and an ideal tool for review. By listing a fact for each letter of the alphabet – one letter per page of their book – students are pushed to think creatively (particularly for letters such as X and Z) and write concisely. The requirements for an ABC book can be adjusted based on a students age and ability level. For example: Elementary-aged students may be required to write one or two sentences for each fact, A-Z, or even. Primary grade students may even be required only to write, â€Å"A is for†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Older elementary and middle school students may be required to write a paragraph for each letter.High school students might have a lengthier expectation for written work or simply be expected to include greater detail. All ages should illustrate their work with the level of detail expected based on their age and ability level. How to Use ABC Books The ABC format allows for versatility across all subjects, from history to science to math. For example, a student writing an ABC book for science might choose space as his topic, with pages such as: A is for asteroidP is for planetZ is for zero gravity A student writing a math ABC book might include pages such as: F is for fractionG is for geometryV is for variable You may have to allow your students to be creative with some words, such as using words like eXtra or eXtremely for the letter X. Otherwise, those can be difficult pages to fill. When creating ABC books with students, consider using them as a long-term project over the course of a particular unit of study. For example, your students might spend six weeks on one ABC book. This time-frame provides time for students to spend a bit of time on the book each day. Suggest that students complete a rough outline on regular paper or in an extra composition book. They can add facts as they progress through the unit or lesson and spend time developing the concepts before transferring them to the final book and completing the illustrations. Encourage your students to complete their ABC book by creating a cover design and including an author page on the inside of the back cover. Dont forget your authors head shot! Students could even write a synopsis for the book on the back cover or inside the front cover, and ask their friends for review blurbs to include on the front or back cover. ABC books provide children with a framework for summarizing facts and details. This framework helps kids stay on track and flesh out the details of the summary without feeling overwhelmed. Not only that, but ABC books are a fun project for students of all ages and one that might even get your reluctant writers excited.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Information power inside an organization Research Proposal
Information power inside an organization - Research Proposal Example The aim of this research work is to study and identify the fundamentals of information power that exist within an organization in association with organizational behavior. Additionally the role played by information power in decision making shall also be discussed. Power distance supports the concept of inequality on physical and intellectual basis within an organization. Women in Canada are able to seek career promotions because over there people are more concerned about individualism as opposed to India where women have comparatively less chances of promotions due to power distance and lack of individualism (Aruna Chandra, 2002). First of all I shall be discussing the main aims and objectives of the research work along with the basic definitions of the terminologies. Then there would be a detailed literature review related to the topic. Subsequently I will mention the conceptual framework, research methodology and finally the findings followed by a brief and comprehensive conclusion. The author has critically analyzed the business activities in India and subsequently its comparison is built with US and Canada. This book will be helpful for me so as to define power distance with respect to Indian and Canadian organization. This research article has discussed the role of information in relation to power exercised over the employees in Finish Food Industry. The relationship between buyer and seller is greatly influenced by the information power and therefore it must be handled carefully. I shall be doing the primary research which includes collection of related data, facts and figures. It would be an online data collection process. Research articles from well-known and authentic websites shall be used. Additionally some of the renowned books published on the subject shall also be considered. Deadline for submission is 9th April, 2013. Therefore the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Case Study-Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Case Study-Law - Essay Example The signing of the terms and conditions for hire also includes the hirer’s conformity to UTS’ policy on the expression or manifestation of religious, political, and such other beliefs, ideas and values practiced in UTS (University of Technology Sydney, 2006). Even though the venue booking has been approved beforehand, the UTS may still cancel such an application without notice if there are â€Å"extraordinary or unusual circumstances†which necessitate such cancellation (University of Technology Sydney, 2006). The University, however, will make an effort to find a substitute venue if the cancellation of the booking was without the fault of the hirer (University of Technology Sydney, 2006). Cancellation made by the hirer of the dinner 24 hours before the event takes place, shall result in the payment and liability for a cancellation fee equaling to a hundred percent of the total hire and event fee as stated in the terms and conditions (University of Technology Sydney, 2006). In terms of displaying promotional material on the window of the venue, the terms and conditions of hire states that there must be an approval first of the University or an express permission made, without which, any advertisement, poster, handbill or other form of announcement or statement should not be placed on any structure or natural feature of the campus including windows (University of Technology Sydney, 2006). In using sound and audiovisual equipment, authorization must first be given by the University, especially when used in the said premises (University of Technology Sydney, 2006). Aside from this, the details regarding the amplification of the equipment should be described by the applicants in detail so that the appropriate provisions can be made, details of which include the utility connections and facilities for loudspeakers, speaker’s or performer’s location, control of decibel level and others (University of Technology Sydney, 2006). Prior
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Profile of Coca Cola Ghana Essay Example for Free
Profile of Coca Cola Ghana Essay The Coca Cola Bottling Company was first established in 1886 by Dr. John Styth Pemberton in the United States of America (Atlanta) and has since been enjoyed in over 200 countries worldwide including Ghana who started its operations in 1995. The company believes that to be successful in the changing world we need to continue to thrive as a business over the next twenty years and beyond, we must get ready for tomorrow today thats what our 2020 vision is all about. Our Mission To refresh the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness To create value and make a difference Our vision We serve as the frame work for our roadmap and guide every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. People: be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples desires and needs. Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual and enduring values. Planet: be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareholders while being mindful of our overall responsibilities Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization. OBJECTIVES Increase sales by 100% by the end of 1st year. To be able to cover the whole country by the end of 2nd year. in non alcoholic beverage in future.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Romeo and Juliet: The Play :: essays research papers
Romeo and Juliet: The Play" Accidentally, incidentally, unintentionally, intentionally; no one ever really knows, but we are for certain one thing: â€Å"the heart isits own fate.†For Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, two star-crossed lovers in Shakespeare’s masterpiece play ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ this holds especially true. Romeo and Juliet’s â€Å"misadventure piteous overthrow†is fueled by their love for each other and their determination to be together, no matter what. Romeo and Juliet’s love with stands the hate surrounding them. Thus, fate is undoubtedly the most responsible influence for the two young lovers’ heartbreaking tragedy. A letter, never meant to even graze the hand of a Montague, was indeed read by a Montague. As fate would have it, a servant gets tangled up on the addresses of the letters to be delivered, notifying recipients of Capulets’ masquerade party, and stops the first pedestrian that walks by, hoping that he would direct them to the correct address. Undoubtedly, the first pedestrian he ran across was Romeo, his kinsman Benvolio in tow. When Benvolio learns word of the party, he is eager to go, while Romeo is reluctant. With a little nagging, Benvolio and Mercutio convince Romeo to go. It takes one glance, one intense, meaningful glance, and Romeo is in like with Juliet Capulet, his loathed enemy. With one kiss, they are both in love with each other, without knowing, tragically seal both of their lives into a tomb of confinement, filled only with their love for each other. Another episode of fate, or rather dramatic irony, happens when Romeo somehow misses getting a letter from Tybalt Capulet, his enemy, challenging him to a duel. Romeo, unknowing of the tragic letter sent to him, but not gotten, goes to tell his friends of his beautiful bride, but, in return, comes face-to-face with none other than Tybalt, his loathed enemy, the kin to his new bride, Juliet. As soon as Romeo shows up, though, he is greeted by Tybalt’s insults, calling him a villain, but instead of stepping up to Tybalt’s challenge, though, Romeo backs down, saying, â€Å"Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee doth much excuse the appertaining rage to such a greeting. Villain I am none. Therefore farewell. I see thou knowest not me.†After harsh words are spoken, families are disgraced, and names are scorned, Romeo finally just backs away. Mercutio, though, cannot let his man be put to disgrace, so he decides to defend Romeo’s name.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Political Effects of the Vietnam War on 1960’s Pop Culture
Tie Die, JFK, The Beatles, Drugs, Peace, Love, Dr. Martin Luther King, Woodstock, Go-Go Boots, Civil Rights, and Vietnam. When we say any of these words we think of the 1960's. The 1960's were a landmark in history remembered for effecting pop culture. What lead to such a dramatic change? In the 1950's the style was scarves, poodle skirts, and letter sweaters. The popular music was about teenage boyfriends and girlfriends. Then there was the 1960's. Could we have foreseen that people would wear mini skirts? Could we have foreseen that women would burn their bras in protest? Could we have foreseen that music would take a huge turn toward lyrics of peace, drugs, and mainly rock and roll? Probably not. What could have happened that would change American pop culture so much? There were many events that took place in the 1960's that had an affect on American citizens. The death of John F. Kennedy surprised and upset many Americans. However, the Vietnam War had the most profound effect on American pop culture. The Vietnam War changed music, fashion, and overall attitudes. Because of the Vietnam War and the undertones of the civil rights movement, 1960's pop culture significantly impacted our nation in a way that will be remembered for many years to come. 2Szymanski The Vietnam War still effects many people. Today, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is commonly associated with veterans of the Vietnam War. (Berk 346) During the 1960's there was an Anti-War movement that evolved from the Freedom of Speech Movement. This movement began on college campuses and spread cross-country. (Radical Times) The Antiwar Movement took place because people didn't understand why American soldiers were in Vietnam. People wanted the soldiers brought home. The Freedom of Speech Movement easily converted to the Antiwar Movement because of the similarity. People felt that this was not right and the issue was of such great importance that it needed to be addressed. I feel that the Antiwar Movement was successful and important because it did bring a lot of change to the nation. This change was both political and pop cultural. The Freedom of Speech Movement had limited success. In fact, the Antiwar Movement as well as the protests had a large effect on the ending of the Viet nam war. (Radical Times) In conjunction with the Antiwar Movement was the Civil Rights Movement. This event is commonly associated with Dr. Martin Luther King. However, the movement initially began with Rosa Parks and her ability to stand up for what she wanted, a seat toward the front of the bus. (Radical Times) At the time of the Black Civil Rights Movement a group called the Black Panthers evolved. This group arose as a militant group of young black men led by H. Rap Brown who risked his life to register blacks to vote in 1966. (USA Today) The difference between these civil rights groups is that Martin Luther advocated power through non-violence, whereas the Black Panthers promoted violence as a means to gain political footholds. (USA Today) For the African 3Szymanski American race there was a lot of momentum gained in the 1960's and there was a lot of ground made politically. The impact of these movements was phenomenal. The Antiwar Movement changed the dress, the music, and the style of nearly all college campuses in the United States. When a person would walk past a college dormitory there would be peace signs hung in windows. (Radical Times) The statement made was seen across America. A wonderful example of the effects of the Antiwar Movement on society is shown in Forrest Gump. There is a scene in which the audience sees an anti protest. The people there epitomize the effect that this had on pop culture. The clothes they wore and the music they listened to exemplifies the profound influence this had on the nation. The Civil Rights Movement is one that also made a lot of headway during the 1960's. The assassination of Martin Luther King had a profound effect on the American Society. This event impacted all races. Martin Luther King stood for the feeling of that time. His emphasis on peace was one that effected the entire nation. (Carroll 173) Martin Luther King Jr. is a symbol of harmony, human understanding, tolerance, unity, justice and brotherhood-for every generation. (Albright) Now that we have explored some of the political events that took place in the 1960's, we will explore some major changes in pop culture and how those relate to the political events in depth.The Antiwar Movement had a significant influence on the pop culture of the 1960's. This effect was shown through both music and fashion. The term â€Å"flower children†emerged from the anti war protesters. (Radical Times) They stood for peace love and harmony. They were the first to make tie die and hip huggers extremely 4Szymanski popular. They also had a large influence on the â€Å"natural look†. Women without bras or makeup and men with long hair and grown out facial hair. Prior to the antiwar movement, appearance was valued when one was neat and cleanly. (Walley) The pop culture of the 1960's was changed through the antiwar movement and one of the facets of pop culture changed was music. The following lyrics are from a popular song about the antiwar movement. â€Å"Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now.†(Forrest Gump) Popular artists such as the Beatles, Cat Stevens, and even the Righteous Brothers wrote music that inspired antiwar protesters and became associated with them. Further in this paper there will be information on Woodstock, a musical and historical event associated with the Anti War movement. The Antiwar Movement was not the only political event to have an effect on pop culture. Although the impact from the Antiwar Movement is seen the most the civil rights movement did have an important role in the evolution of the 1960's pop culture. The Black Civil Rights Movement did have an effect on American Society. The effect of this was not seen as much on pop culture, but it was there. The true effect is shown in the dramatic increase of popularity in rhythm and blues. Prior to rhythm and blues, jazz music was associated as â€Å"black music.†It wasn't played very much on the radio. However, in the 1960's more black artists emerged. The Black Civil Rights Movement heavily effected music. Toward the end of the 1960's African American 5Szymanski styles emerged as popular. â€Å"Afros†were a common and popular hairstyle. (NetFirst) The music styles of Jimmy Hendrix as well as many other African American artists became known as legendary. ( Albeit, the civil rights movement and the political ground it gained, put African American styles of fashion and of music in the American pop culture arena. As touched on before, the effect of politics (namely the Vietnam War ) had a significant influence on the fashion of that time. A feeling of the need for freedom†¦of expression and speech swept over the nation. Because of this feeling, people expressed themselves not only through words of protest and actions of protest, but through their clothing. This was the countries way of expressing themselves without saying a word, but through what they wore. As shown in an analytic pop culture web site, â€Å"Fashion is never just about clothes, but attitude and expression as well. Up until about 1967, fashion had reflected a period of discover for youth; fun-loving, outrageous and colorful.†(Sixtiespopdiary. -fashion) So, what were these fashions that were about â€Å"attitude and expression?†Miniskirts (and even later micro skirts), caused moral outrage and were one of the first dramatic styles to come out in the 1960's. Later, a sloppy look became popular with T-shirts and sandals. Skintight pants also became popular, even so as a unisex article. (Sixtiespopdiary-fashion) The world was changing as fast as the fashions. In a personal opinion, looking back on this time of a political whirlwind, fashion was just as confusing as the world was. In this subject having to with politics and society, Woodstock is able to show the political influence on pop culture in one single event. In a mere 3 days, 6Szymanski thousands of people and influential artists were able to almost spontaneously put on one of the most historically significant pop culture events ever. The hippie look was dominant. Rock and roll and music of expression were the dominant sounds. A feeling of freedom was dominant. In one event, the world expressed the feeling of an era. (Interview) Today, the world of pop culture hails this event by trying to repeat it. Much to the dismay of many, the event cannot be repeated. The later generation looks at the event and realizes that this event was one of expression without even knowing the political events of that time. The Woodstock Music and Art Fair in August of 1969 remain a legend even today. The spontaneous event captured a generation's good feelings. Ironically, there were nearly as many Americans at Woodstock as there were in Vietnam. (Interview) Woodstock took place for 3 short days and there was a lot of rain. People didn't care about the rain, food, or bathrooms. â€Å"No one wanted to let the essence or the aura go. Halfway through an era of bad news, in the middle of a horrible war, barely a year after the wrenching, terrifying assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy, an entire, desperately wished -for era of good feeling was compressed into a single place and time. That compression produced a corresponding intensity of wonder and delight.†(Interview) The reason for Woodstock is well understood. However, it amazes me that such a spontaneous event could have such an unbelievable turnout. 7Szymanski Jimi Hendrix was one of the most influential musicians associated with Woodstock. It was there that he played his rendition of the â€Å"Star Spangled Banner.†Jimi's rendition was considered a brutal insult in its time. It was said that it sounded like a â€Å"blasted seizure of the national anthem.†(Interview) However, today Hendrix's national anthem is popular. When Hendrix performed this there were approximately 30,000 people left at Woodstock. His performance was spontaneous. It was described as â€Å"†¦his great No to the war, to racism, to whatever you or he might think of and want gone. But then that discord shattered, and for more than four and half long, complex minutes Hendrix pursued each invisible crack in a vessel that had one been whole, feeling out and exploring and testing himself and the music against anguish, rage, fear, hate, love offered, and love refused. When he finished he had created an anthem that could never be summed up and that would never come to rest.†(Interview) In summary, because of the Vietnam War and the undertones of the civil rights movement, 1960's pop culture significantly impacted our nation in a way that will be remembered for many years to come. Throughout the nineties, the hippie look became a popular style as a way of expressing ourselves. Popular artists have redone music from the sixties. For example, Natalie Merchant has recently redone the popular sixties hit â€Å"Peace Train.†The movie Forrest Gump, which is a summary of both the political and pop culture America in the sixties, won best picture in 1994. Even today, the sixties are a political and pop cultural landmark for the nation. Does this say that the sixties were a period of more turmoil and more change than other decades? Does this say that the fashion change more dramatically and rapidly than 8Szymanski other decades? Personally, I feel this decade did. From an outlook of a person who did not live during that time or during the time of many other decades, that decade stands out far above many others. Many political and pop culture figures are remembered and recognized by all ages today. In this era, the politics and pop culture overlap. To think that politics affected Americans so much that politics changed people's perspectives is remarkable, even profound. The death of Kennedy and Martin Luther King had a devastating influence over an entire nation. Yet, everyone soon focused on that feeling of freedom and love. This roller coaster of emotions had a roller coaster of an affect. Has any other decade changed a nation so much and so fast?
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Adolescent Behaviors and the Challenges in Society Today Essay
Increased awareness needs to be established so that adults can be aware of adolescent behaviors and challenges in our society today. Some issues as simple as adolescents are being ostracized because of obesity, mothers work schedule causing risky behaviors, children being raised by depressed mothers, parent stress causing adolescents not to have good self-concept, and adolescents being involved in risky behavior in order to be accepted by peers. All of these actions are causing behaviors such as teen pregnancy, self-injuries, suicide, and eating disorders. Research states many of these behaviors have high statistics coming from the home environment. The United States having the highest teen pregnancy rate all around, what are parents doing wrong and how can society be educated so that behaviors can change with adolescents in the world today. With increased awareness of what adolescents are doing, adults can be helpful to adolescents who are so desperately in need of attention? A family needs to raise their children in a Christian setting so they will have a solid foundation when they grow into adolescents because, they need to be strong enough to face the challenges, peer pressures, and behaviors of our adolescents who are not raised to know right from wrong in their environment. Because of reality of society all adolescents will be challenged to deal with other adolescent behaviors. Adolescents can’t be put into a bubble and be protected from what society has to offer. Society is proof that there is lack of guidance for adolescents in the world today. Is society proof that there is lack of guidance for adolescents in the world today? Research proves lack of guidance is evident. In this study research says that adolescent problems can stem from weight problems, peer pressure, parents work schedule, and parent stress, causing many different behaviors in adolescents. See more: The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay The discussion in one of the articles researched says that social status for adolescents depend on how your body is developed. Girls and boys are not being accepted or are not popular by peers if they are overweight. â€Å"Adolescent girls are more popular if they have the â€Å"perceived body size†and the boy’s popularity depends on the â€Å"overall muscularity†of his body†(Wang,S.S., Houshyar, &Prinstein, 2006). The research in this article is based on â€Å"522 students in grades 11 and 12.†(Wang, 2006) â€Å"The research was discovered by students choosing popular kids and not so popular kids and results being those popular kids, having the perceived bodies being popular and the not so popular kids being overweight†(Wang, 2006). This research states â€Å"Messages within the media or family promoting ‘idea’ body shapes may be reinforced within adolescents’ own peer groups and associated with social rewards that are particularly salient during this developmental stage†(Wang, 2006). â€Å"Adolescents who desire to achieve high levels of status among peers may be motivated to engage in behaviors that will help them achieve an â€Å"ideal†body shape. (Wang, 2006) Do adolescents have to be socially ostracized by peers to be motivated to look the same as others to be accepted? Are we accepting these behaviors from adolescents, that they should ostracized by anyone? With appropriate guidance and education, we can help adolescents with weight problems instead of adolescents wanting to lose weight to be accepted by peers. The cultural idea for adolescents is to be slim and trim and when they are not slim and trim they react with different kinds of eating disorders. â€Å"Psychological consequences may be particularly severe during a time of life when body image is of special concern†(Feldman, 2011). Anorexia is a disorder when the person refuses to eat because they are afraid of getting fat. ( 2011) When our adolescents don’t get the proper diet it can cause health problems and psychological problems in our children. Feldman states obesity is the most common problem with our adolescents stating that, â€Å"One in 5 adolescents is overweight, and 1 in 20 can be formally classified as obese†(Feldman, 2011) Our text states why our children are becoming overweight and not getting the exercise they need to burn the calories they are eating.(2011) It is a challenge to go past a fast food place because of the affordable prices and availability. It is a challenge for family’s to eat at home. The text also states a disorder called bulimia which adolescents eat large amounts of food and then they vomit it out of their system.(2011) These disorders are very serious and can lead to many health problems. The challenge for adolescents to have the perceived body weight is hurtful to those who are considered overweight or obese. This idea of perceived body weight is causing depression which causes risky behaviors for adolescents. Another example that shows guidance is vital is in this article about peer pressure and friend influences. The article states how our adolescents are being influenced by peer pressure. Do our adolescents have to join the group norms to be accepted or are they strong enough to say no and still be liked by the group? In this research there are two categories of friends called stable friends and unstable friends. Who influence who? According to research â€Å"the more accepted friend had greater influence than the less accepted friend after the friendship was established†( Laursen, 2012). When the stable friends were paired up with the unstable friends, the stable friends were influencing the unstable friends. (2012 ) â€Å"The stable friends being the popular group and the unstable friend being the less popular group the unstable group was being pressured by the stable groups†(Laursen, B., Hafen, C. A., Kerr, M., & Stattin, H†(2012). Research stated that the unst able friends did not influence the stable friends. (2012) The stable friends were influencing to the unstable friends because of their status in who they were and the unstable friends were being accepted. The research shows how â€Å"adolescents alter behaviors so that they will fit in even when it comes to alcohol consumption and other deviant behaviors†(Laursen, 2012). This is a challenge even for the stable friends to be able to say no to the alcohol and other deviant behaviors. If parents would teach their children about peer pressure, use the word as something happens, the children would know when an issue comes up and they said they did it because everyone else did, let them know they allowed themselves to do the wrong thing because of peer pressure. How something as simple as parental work schedules cause risky behaviors in adolescents. Why are parental work schedules vital when it comes to adolescent risky behaviors? What are adolescents doing while parents are at work? The article provides â€Å"new evidence on the pathways linking parental work schedules with adolescent risky behaviors†( Han, W.-J., Miller, D. P., & Waldfogel, J. (2010). The research states that years of night shift work for mothers indicate that the relationship between their children are not developed as to mothers who work day time jobs.(2010) Parents working to make a living are having to sacrifice having a relationship with their children. As these parents work it allows more freedom for risky behaviors. Also, while parents are working different shifts research indicates that parents don’t know what their children are doing or where their children are.(2010) â€Å"Effects were particularly evident when parents work such schedules during children’s middle childhood years but were also evident during preschool years and early adolescence†(Han, 2010). Our analyses by children’s developmental stage suggest that the number of year’s parents worked nonstandard hours at various stages of childhood influence adolescent outcomes, but in different ways depending on the stage when nonstandard shift work occurred. These results make sense given that children face very different developmental tasks during these different stages. In the middle childhood years mark a time of important changes related to school transitions, developmental advances that establish children’s sense of identity, and developing relationships with parents and peers. These years serve as a foundation for later development, and experiences during these periods can have lasting effects. (Han, 2010) The risky behaviors focused on in this article while parents are working was, â€Å"cigarette smoking, alcohol use, drug use, delinquency, and sexual behavior. With evidence of all these behaviors in adolescents because of parents work schedule, parental guidance is vital in our society today so that these behaviors will be recognized by parents so they will know that their adolescent needs some attention. This article provides facts about how much parent stress is apparent toward parenting behavior and how it reflects adolescent’s self-concept? According to the findings in this article, parent behavior reflected on their stress that they deal with daily? How does the parent behavior affect the adolescent’s self-concept? The article debates how the lax parents and stern parent’s reactions are toward adolescent’s self-concept. The parent’s relationship to the child contributes to the child’s â€Å"self-concept and well-being.†Without self-worth how can adolescents achieve what they need to accomplish in their life as they grow into adulthood. Putnick, D.L., Bornstein, M. H., Hendricks, C., Painter, K.M., Suwalsky, J.T. D.&Collins, W.A. (2008)†Why is society having so many problems with adolescents? Appropriate parental guidance is vital so that adolescents can grow into healthy men and woman. However, we have adolescents growing up and being exposed to many different challenges. Being raised by a mother who has dealt with depression, the article states that the children are the caretakers of the siblings and the house. (2009) The authors stated that they observed â€Å"a 13-year old boy talked about regularly preparing dinner for his mother and younger sibling (instrumental caretaking) and a 9-year old girl offered suggestions to her mother for ways to feel better and reduce her stress at work, including setting up and appointment to talk with her boss. (Emotiona l caretaking)†(Champion,Jaser, Reeslund, Simmons, Potts, Shears,Ccompas, (2009). â€Å"Emotional and instrumental caretaking were significantly correlated with greater self-reported anxiety-depression symptoms only among adolescents whose mothers had a history of depression†(Champion, 2009).The research states that â€Å"mothers think there children are more capable if they are preforming emotional caretaking however the children feel more anxiety and depression when they are preforming those task†(Champion, 2009). How do these children stand a chance to grow and develop their needs if they are caring for depressed mother? The challenges these children face are tremendous as they grow into adult hood. They totally missed childhood and all their lives saw their mother cry, take overdose and the many other behaviors that depressed people do. These children grow cold of emotions. They don’t know how to express except the way their mother expressed. How do we expect them to grow up as good citizens? The United States having the highest teen pregnancy rate of all other countries is not making a good statement of how adolescents are seeking to get the attention they need. The authors in this article state that a â€Å"disturbing discovery that the percentage of apparently involuntary sex among female teens is a significant social problem, around 13% for ages 15-19 by one estimation†(Thomas and Dimitrox, 2007). Also another alarming fact discovered is that â€Å"over half of teens ages 15-19 have had oral sex, including roughly 25% who have not engaged in vaginal sex (2007). Seeing it as a strategy to avoid pregnancies, many teens believe that oral sex avoids the prospect of STD’s including HIV/AIDS. (Thomas, and Dimitrox (2007).†Research detects that direct effects of teen pregnancy are coming from background variables such as family poverty, early school failure, and dysfunctional family systems. â€Å"Some research suggests that most of the economic consequences of early childbearing can be explained by family background variables.†(Thomas and Dimitrox, 2007) However, research is not saying that all teen pregnancies are coming from these variables. â€Å"Recent data suggest that the number of children living in poverty in the United States would have risen by 8.3% if the teen birth rates had not declined as they did for the years 1991-2003†(Thomas , 2007). Education to adolescents and parents is vital. There are so many grandparents raising the adolescents’ babies. The adolescents never have to take responsibility for their action because they have someone to raise their child. What do they do but go have another child for their parents. Even more hurtful than teen pregnancy, would be facing a knock on the door telling you you’re adolescent tried to commit suicide or even worse committed suicide. â€Å"The institute of Medicine defines a suicide attempt as a nonfatal, self-inflicted destructive act with the explicit or implied intent to die.†(Hausmann, C., Kuhlberg, J., A., Zayas, L.H., Nolle, A., P., & Cintron, S., L. 2012) We often think that these things can’t happen to us until we are faced with the issue at hand. Research says that â€Å"depression is the number one disorder diagnosed among adolescents†( Hausmann, 2012). Research also states that depression is associated with the greatest risk of suicide attempts.(2012) â€Å"Adolescents are using objects in their homes to commit suicide such as, drug overdose, knives, pieces of glass, nail files, and guns†(Hausmann, 2012). Less common attempting methods were â€Å"jumping off buildings, suffocating by placing plastic bags over their heads, and trying to hang themselves†(Hausmann, 2012). The majority of adolescents in this study had a lifetime history of two to more than six previous suicide attempts†(Hausmann, 2012). The authors state that the â€Å"Latino population adolescents are at high risk for attempted suicide†(Hausmann, 2012).†Latino population for the youth is up to 41% in the US†(Hausmann,2012). The 76 adolescents in this study have already tried suicide 2 or 3 times. The article states that adolescents will try suicide in the next 3 or 4 months and may continue trying suicide up to the next 12 years. (Hausmann, 2012) `Talk about a heartbreaking behavior for parent, siblings, whom ever involved. If parents could get some education on some of these behaviors, to reinforce that there is a problem with Adolescents growing up in society today. â€Å"The structure of the family for the last couple decades has changed in many ways. With an increase in the number of parents who both work outside of the home, soaring divorce rate, and a rise in single-parent families, the environment faced by children passing through middle childhood in the 21st century is very different from that faced by prior generation†(Feldman, 2011 pg.332). Conclusion is that a family needs to raise their children in a Christian setting so they will have a solid foundation when they grow into adolescents because, they need to be strong enough to face the challenges, peer pressures, and behaviors of adolescents today. Adolescents who go to church are not free from this kind of behaviors but have a solid rock to stand on if they know the Lord. Is society proof that there is lack of guidance for adolescents in the world today? Reference Champion, J. E., Jaser, S. S., Reeslund, K. L., Simmons, L., Potts, J. E., Shears, A. R., & Compas, B. E. (2009). Caretaking behaviors by adolescent children of mothers with and without a history of depression. Journal of Family Psychology 23(2), 156-166 . Feldman S.R., (2011). Food, and Eating Disorders: Fueling the Growth of Adolescence, Development across the Life Span, Pg.365. Grella, C. E., Stein, J. A., & Greenwell, L. (2005). Associations among Childhood Trauma, Adolescent Problem Behaviors, and Adverse Adult Outcomes in Substance-Abusing Women Offenders. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 19(1), 43-53. Han, W.-J., Miller, D. P., & Waldfogel, J. (2010). Parental work schedules and adolescent risky behaviors. Developmental Psychology, 46(5), 1245-1267. Hausmann-Stabile, C., Kuhlberg, J. A., Zayas, L. H., Nolle, A. P., & Cintron, S. L. (2012). Means, intent, lethality, behaviors, and psychiatric diagnosis in Latina adolescent suicide attempters. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43(3), 241-248. Laursen, B., Hafen, C. A., Kerr, M., & Stattin, H. (2012). Friend influence over adolescent problem behaviors as a function of relative peer acceptance: To be liked is to be emulated. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121(1), 88-94. Nock, M. K., Holmberg, E. B., Photos, V. I., & Michel, B. D. (2007). Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview: Development, reliability, and validity in an adolescent sample. Psychological Assessment, 19(3), 309-317. Putnick, D. L., Bornstein, M. H., Hendricks, C., Painter, K. M., Suwalsky, J. T. D., & Collins, W. A. (2008). Parenting stress, perceived parenting behaviors, and adolescent self-concept in European American families. Journal of Family Psychology, 22(5), 752-762. Thomas, C.L., & Dimitrov, D. M. (2007). Effects of a teen pregnancy prevention program on teen’s attitudes toward sexuality: A latent trait modeling approach. Developmental Psychology, 43(1), 173-185.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
At The Age That
At The Age That At The Age That At The Age That By Maeve Maddox A reader has a question about a â€Å"cute little sign†she bought: Something just isn’t right. Here’s the wording: â€Å"I am at the age that makeup is no longer optional.† I want to replace â€Å"the age†with â€Å"that age†and change â€Å"that makeup†to â€Å"when makeup.†Any insights or suggestions? The difference between â€Å"the age†and â€Å"that age†is a matter of style, but when is the better grammatical choice than that. Both that and when can function as conjunctions, but when that is used as a conjunction, it usually introduces a noun clause: He believes that he can do no wrong. She believes that makeup is mandatory after a certain age. When is the usual choice to introduce an adverbial clause after words like age, day, and time. It’s the equivalent of the phrase â€Å"at which†or, in the case of day, â€Å"upon which†: A new study has revealed 37 to be the age when men are happiest. I look forward to the day when all children have an equal opportunity to access food and water that contributes to their health and well-being. Most people were at home and this was the time when the fewest trains were running. When that follows the words age, day, and time, it’s being used as a relative pronoun and serves as a subject or object in the clause it introduces: The right to retire with financial security at the age that has been promised throughout our working lives has been denied. (That stands for age and is the subject of â€Å"has been promised.†) Avondale students remember ‘a day that changed our country forever’ (That stands for day and is the subject of â€Å"changed.†) All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. (That stands for time and is the subject of â€Å"is given†) The better wording for the reader’s sign is â€Å"I am at the age when makeup is no longer optional.†But she has hung the sign in her bathroom- an informal context, surely. I just wouldn’t give one like it as a present to an English teacher. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Types and Forms of Humor15 Words for Household Rooms, and Their Synonyms40 Synonyms for Praise
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
6 Tips for Writing your Dissertation Results and Findings
6 Tips for Writing your Dissertation Results and Findings 6 Tips for Writing Your Dissertation Results and Findings After conducting a literature review, designing your research, gathering data and performing in-depth analysis, it can be tempting to cut corners when it comes to presenting the results and findings in your dissertation. But doing so would undermine the hard work you’ve put in so far, and writing a great results chapter isn’t as difficult as it might seem. The keys to success here are clarity and context. Clarity is important because you need your data to be easy to understand. Context is important because you need to communicate the significance of your results in relation to the research questions. As such, it is always a good idea to follow these helpful tips. Check with Your Advisor about How to Present Your Data Many schools will have a style guide covering what is expected from the results and findings chapter of your work. Ask your advisor if you dont already have a style guide, and use this to guide your work. Check Similar Studies Different disciplines present results in different ways. In the hard sciences, for instance, basic findings are often presented separately from the discussion. In the social sciences, however, it is more common to present the results and discussion at the same time. Provide an Introductory Paragraph By explaining what your findings chapter will include, you will prime your reader to understand what follows. This may involve briefly restating the methods of analysis used, particularly if your work includes statistical data. Look Back to the Rest of Your Thesis This is especially true for the literature review and methodology chapters. Referring to the literature review allows you to compare your results to those achieved by others in your field. Referring to your methodology, meanwhile, lets you determine whether your findings were influenced by the techniques used to gather and analyze data. Explain How You Interpreted the Data How you reached a conclusion won’t always be obvious from the data alone. Instead, you need to explain the significance of your results in relation to your hypothesis and justify your conclusions. Use Graphs, Tables and Figures A well-chosen table or graph is an excellent way of presenting your data. However, remember that using too many graphs and charts without explaining their significance can be confusing for the reader! If you need more tips on how to write your dissertation, you should check out the rest of our academic blog. And don’t forget that you can have one of our proofreaders check your dissertation for spelling, grammar and consistency. That way you can rest assured that your work will be its very best!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
3) Do bilingual students have a greater memory recall than Coursework
3) Do bilingual students have a greater memory recall than non-bilingual students Studies have shown that bilingual students have better working memory does this include memory recall - Coursework Example n (medium; 2), between 11 and 19 children large (3), 20 or more children, Score: final score on competency assessment Perform exploratory data analysis on all variables in the data set. Basing on descriptive statistics, it is observed that under gender males has a higher math mean score (91%) than females (87%).This is clearly indicated in the box plot. Under classroom size, it is clearly evident that the smaller the classroom size is the high the math mean score. For instance, math mean score for 10 or less classroom size,11-19 classroom size and 20 or more class room size include 93,89 and 85 respectively. It is also observed that the median (91%) and mean (91%) under gender math mean score is same. This clearly proves that the data is normally distributed (Dey 1993). Similarly, under classroom size, math mean score (93) and median (93) is also seen to be the same and this implies that the data is normally distributed To determine if there is a main effect of gender, post hoc tests can be used if applicable. In this case, basing on the results, it is observed that, for classroom sizes, the p values are 0.00.This therefore means that the effect of classroom size on math mean score is statistically significant. It can be concluded that the math mean score for 10 or less, 11-19 and 20 class room sizes are not the same. Post hoc is normally used to determine which variables have differences in cases where the test statistics such as ANOVA can’t really determine which variables are different. This can happen when we have more than two variables, whereby there could be a difference between any of these variables. In this case, it’s not known which variables have the differences. For our case, the variables are two (male and female) and we already know that the mean score is not the same between the two groups. Therefore, there is no need of doing post hoc test To determine if there is a main effect of classroom size, post hoc tests can be used if applicable as
Friday, November 1, 2019
Week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Week 4 - Essay Example Nevertheless, the licensees of The Medical Board of Ohio are disciplined by the Board for violating Medical Practices Act. Other grounds of discipline include: Drug prescription in an inappropriate manner, issuing false information, failure in meeting the continuity of education requirements and impairment of ability to practice due to substance abuse. The complaint process from the civil is as follows: a number is assigned to every received complaint and reviewed initially by the Boards Secretary and Supervising member. A letter will be sent conveying closure of the complaint if no sufficient basis is found. The Secretary and the Supervising Member will be in charge of overseeing the investigations and gathering of information. If there is sufficient evidence, an attorney Enforcement Coordinator who drafts a formal charge to be reviewed by the Boards Secretary, the Supervising Member and the Ohio Attorney General’s office before being forwarded to the Board Members will be assigned the case. The Board members are the decision makers on whether or not the citation letter should be sent. (American Association of Retired Persons, 2004) The American Board of Medical Specialties, the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality are a lot of existing agencies giving help to combat medical malpractice policies. There are also the Government Accountability Office and the National Academy for the State Health Policy. A reprimand, probation, suspension, limitation and permanent license revocation are some of the disciplinary actions given for sufficient evidence of violation. There is automatic suspension for the Practitioners found guilty in court. The Board may also call for a summary suspension pending a hearing in emergency cases (American Association of Retired Person, 2004). There are many situations a physician might find themselves eligible for
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Scaricity of Healthcare Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Scaricity of Healthcare Resources - Essay Example hilosophical biomedical ethical issues have developed in complexity as they are influenced by a number of factors including religion, law, anthropology and sociology. Each of the influencing factors is complex by themselves and this tends to make the biomedical ethical issues even more confusing for the healthcare service providers, especially as they are in the forefront in the use of the massive technological developments that have been in the recent past. The origins of the practical normative ethics of biomedical ethics goes back to the school of thought normally associated with Hippocrates and the famous Hippocratic oath. This oath sums up the school of thought on the ethical principles of curing and healing. The emphasis in the early days of medical history was on healing and not on curing, as the means of curing diseases was limited. Helping people to cope with diseases that had inflicted them had more relevance. The mode of intervention was left to the judgment of the physician. Thus the first principles of biomedical ethics of beneficence and nonmaleficence were laid. Even today there are many who believe that the goals of medicine remain in these complimentary factors of curing and healing. The subsequent history of bio-ethics is limited to interpretations of Galen in the second century and the opposing views expressed by Vesalius thirteen centuries later. However the next significant step in the development of biomedical ethics was seen in 1803, through the expressions of Thomas Percival, in his work Medical Ethics. Percival expanded the prevalent biomedical ethics of beneficence and nonmaleficence to incorporate the idea of the professional responsibility of physicians and their responsibility to society. Thus introducing the third principle in development of biomedical ethics in the form of justice. Further development in the principles of bioethics was seen in the 1960s and 1970s. Concern on the medical treatment procedures without proper
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Umbilical Cord Blood Banking
Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Constant growing attempts have been made spread awareness among the people for the cause of umbilical cord blood banking. Stem cells derived from umbilical cord have proved to be a boon to mankind. Earlier stem cells were only used to provide some low cost effective treatment to diabetes, stroke and some kind of blindness. But no doubt about it that today we are on the edge of having a major breakthrough with these cells which will get stem cells the credit they deserve. Although it is true that the spread of awareness among people has paid off and the preservation of umbilical cord blood is gaining momentum. Now cord blood bank is a place where cord blood can be kept for the future use. The cord blood banking involves three simple steps. These steps are collection, processing and storage. Collection is a process in which the umbilical blood is collected and can be done within 5 minutes after the birth of the child. Umbilical cord is clamped and cut and is attached to a special bar coded bag. This bag is kept at a lower level than the cord so the blood drains out in the bag. After collection its the turn for processing. Processing normally involves checking of blood for various possible viral infections and then separating stem cells from the red blood cells. After processing the umbilical blood is stored in liquid nitrogen tank at a temperature of -196 Celsius. This keeps the blood available for use even after a very long time. The banks which handle all these operations can be generally classified into two categories and they are public and private. While the public cord blood bank is set to be for public use, private banks are set up exclusively for parents who want to keep the umbilical cord blood of their baby to themselves. At present, for every 3 public cord blood banks there is 1 private cord blood bank. The public banks can be used free of cost while the private banks charge the fees of $800-$2000. Most parents do not worry about the amount as it can be considered as the cover for medical insurance against so many fatal diseases. The only good thing about the private banks are that with the donation to private banks comes the guarantee of availability, while in public banks the usage of cord blood is subjected to availability. It is due to private banks only that this noble cause of donation is turning into a kind of business that requires investment. That is why medical community strongly supports public banks and not the private banks. The use of public banks widens the number of beneficiaries from medical advances. The government is also spending heavily on the research and storage of stem cells. Recently the Indian government granted Rs 5 crores to a Mumbai based institution to upgrade its stem cell research facility. Also a large number of banks are being set up nationwide to facilitate the process and to spread awareness among the masses.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Tribute To Shakespeare Essay -- essays research papers
Tribute to Shakespeare Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet. He is generally considered the â€Å"greatest dramatist the world has ever known†and the â€Å"finest poet who has written in the English language†(World Book Encyclopedia). Shakespeare has also been the world's most popular author. No other writer's plays have been produced so many times or read so widely in so many countries. Many reasons can be given for Shakespeare's appeal. But his fame basically is on his understanding of human nature. Shakespeare understood people as few other artists have. He could see in a specific dramatic situation the qualities that relate to all people. He could create characters that have meaning beyond the time and place of his plays. Yet his characters are not symbolic figures. They are normal individual people. They struggle just as people do in real life, sometimes successfully and sometimes with painful and tragic failure. Shakespeare wrote at least 37 plays, which have been comedies, histories, and tragedies. These plays contain vivid characters of all types. Kings, pickpockets, drunkards, generals, hired killers, shepherds, and philosophers all mingle in Shakespeare's works. In addition to his deep understanding of human nature, Shakespeare had knowledge in a wide variety of other subjects. These subjects include music, law, the Bible, military science, the stage, art, politics, the sea, history, hunting, woodcraft, and sports. Yet as far as scholars know, Shakespeare had no professional experience in any thing other then theater. Shortly after he married at the age of 18, Shakespeare left Stratford to seek his fortune in the theatrical world of London. Within a few years, he had become one of the city's leading actors and playwrights. By 1612, when he seems to have partially retired to Stratford, Shakespeare had become England's most popular playwright. Shakespeare has had enormous influence on culture throughout the world. All the things he wrote have helped shape the literature of all English-speaking countries. He freely experimented with grammar and vocabulary and that helped prevent literary English from becoming fixed and artificial. Many words and phrases from Shakespeare... ...III, Two Noble Kinsmen and the now lost Cardenio were the plays. The former two are no one's favorites, combining elements of spectacle, romance, and tragicomedy. Little is known of the last, except that in 1653 the printer Humphrey Moseley entered in the Stationers' Register several plays including "The History of Cardenio, by Mr. Fletcher and Shakespeare.†and that in 1613 Heminges received payment on two occasions for performances at court of a play at one time called "Cardenno" and another "Cardenna." There are later supposed versions of the play, but little is known of the original (World Book Encyclopedia). In conclusion, his fame basically rests on his understanding of human nature. Shakespeare understood people as few other artists have. He could see in a specific dramatic situation the qualities that relate to all human beings. He could thus create characters that have meaning beyond the time and place of his plays. Yet his characters are not symbolic figures. They are remarkably individual human beings. They struggle just as people do in real life, sometimes successfully and sometimes with painful and tragic failure.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Is Strategic Leadership Necessary to Effectively Manage Global Strategy in Today’s Essay
Critically evaluate whether strategic leadership is necessary to effectively manage global strategy in today’s turbulent business environment In today’s environment, companies need more and more flexibility to success in a rapidly changing world which evolves constantly over the year. It is interesting to speculate if a strategic leader is necessary to lead the company to the success and to well manage the global strategy of the firm. The term of leadership is hard to define and there are over 400 definitions of what it really is. Leadership can be in a poetic way, according to Warren Bennis, â€Å"like beauty: it’s hard to define but you know it when you see it†. Or in a more concrete way, we can say that leadership†is a matter of making a difference. It entails changing an organization and making choices among plausible alternatives. It depends on the development of others and mobilizing them to get the job done. â€Å"(Useem, 2001). Consequently, strategic leadership is the vision of the leader, the directions chosen by him to lead the company to the success. Strategic Leadership consists also in persuading the members of the organization in order to build an organizational structure whose aim is the strategic productivity. (managementstudyguide. com, 2010). This concept of strategic leadership is more and more important in a context of global strategy. Indeed, nowadays, it is more and more usual to globalize its company in order to gain in productivity and performance. Thus, the global strategy of a company is somehow, a kind of strategic guide to succeed in the globalization process. This is a guide which permits the company to go ahead the barriers to international trade by gaining competitive advantages according to (quickmba. com, 2010). A global strategy must ask itself some questions like what must be the presence on the market in each country? How to build an international global presence? Regarding to these two important aspects of a business, it is interesting to wonder if the strategic leadership is related to the global strategy and more precisely if the strategic leadership is necessary to success in globalizing its company within this turbulent business environment. The strategic leadership may have an impact on the global strategy of a firm; nevertheless, strategic leadership is sometimes subject to some issues which can impair the viability of the company and its potential success. Indeed, the leaders have a lot of pressure, they have to deliver results and manage the personal, which is more and more complicated in a changing world directed by the development of new technologies which implicated more and more reactivity. And sometimes leaders can make mistakes, Gerald Ratner, CEO of Barclays Bank, has said in front of TV cameras and reporters that he didn’t have a credit card because†¦ it’s too expensive! That wasn’t very professional†¦ Thus, the position of the leader is always a kind of a precarious position because he has to make decisions which will determine the success of the company. Charan and Colvin (The quest for quality of work life: a TQM approach) highlight some strategic mistakes that a leader could make, some misjudgements which can lead to issues in term of strategic leadership. The first one may be people related. Indeed people can’t be underestimating, and sometimes it happens, people of an organization are the glue of this one, so it is necessary to understand people skills to have a harmony in the corporation, especially in terms of relationships, according to Bill Donaldson and Tom O’toole (strategic market relationships: from strategy to implementation, 200), â€Å"personal contact cannot be underestimated†. So it is crucial to have some strategic leadership to make sure that everybody is held at fair value. Moreover, another difficulty for the leader is to fail putting the right people at the right place, this task requires a analysis of each people in the staff in order to place them in the job in which they are the most efficient and in which they will work the best and do their best contribution. According to Buckingham and Coffman (1999) in their book†First, Break All the Rules: What The World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently†, they put forward twelve questions which are really useful to put people in the adapted job (bainvestor. om, 2010). Another people related problem can be the fail to deal with managers who are underperforming. The decision making process is also seen as a issue in strategic Leadership, some decisions are not made which can implied a cost in term of time and money. The leader has to use good tactics to make their decisions. The problem is that, according to Nutt (researchnews. osu. edu, 2010) a good tactic in decision making require time and leaders are looking for quick fixes, but over the long term, theses tactics turn out to be successful. Beyond these issues, the leaders have also to face some challenges in particularly concerning the environment which is changing. Lao Tzu says that â€Å"resisting change is like holding your breath; if you persist, you die†. The challenge that faces the leader is how to adapt them to a changing environment, and more precisely in this context of globalization, because the employee may feel suspicious relative to the change. This kind of barrier has to be destroyed by the leader by setting objectives, having open discussions with employee or showing their commitment. Manage the employee is a challenge, but the nature of the strategic environment is another one. According to (airpower. au. af. mil, 2010), there are four components which can be seen as challenges to the strategic leader: Complexity, Ambiguity, uncertainty and volatility. The leaders have to anticipate scenario to avoid volatility (ex Bosnia/Kosovo), and to highlight the act of the competitors to reduce the uncertainty and the complexity of the interdependence of the components. Moreover, the ambiguity can be solved by working in team; this work will permit not to have multiple interpretation of one problem for example. As said before, the economic world has change over the past few years, with notably the financial crisis which has affect business productivity. This event shows us that the situation can change one day to another. Thus Brigid L. Bechtold explains in his book â€Å"Chaos theory as a model for strategy development†, the necessity of putting in place news strategies to balance a random economic situation. Moreover, the author emphasize the notion of interaction between the company which are now interdependent, a strategic leadership must deals with this situation in order to communicates and acts conscientiously, and notably in the case of corporate parenting. The corporate parenting has to set priority for the strategic leadership. Corporate parenting is a management which is intern to the company, no others actors of the market are taking in account; there are no interaction with others actors such as competitors or buyers. The aim of corporate parenting is to give value to the firm, but these operations require money and generate cost. There are three different types of this kind of management, strategic planning, strategic control and financial control. The strategic planning puts resources together in order to reinforce each business units to achieve a common goal, for example providing central services and resources. The strategic control consist in using the corporate parent ability to build some value for the business and finally under the financial control type the corporate parent evaluate and ontrol the performance of each business unit (scribd. com, 2010 ), and then business units are more independent even if they are subject to performance standards. The corporate parenting provide thus a clear image of the strategy to all the business units, managers can focus on the same goal. Moreover, a corporate parent can interfere and guides its business units if they are underperforming for example. A s an example we can talk about Virgin which is the perfect example of a successful corporate parenting: Robabdul. com, 2010 Virgin was able to understand and institutionalized markets, but also in terms of innovation, by buying and created partnership with good skilled company. Moreover the management is flexible and gives flexibility to business units. (robabdul. com, 2010) But the corporate parenting can also destroy value instead of adding this one. (accessmylibrary. com, 2010), some might say that the destruction of the value is created by the â€Å"level of corporate overhead costs†, but even if these costs are high, it is not the principal cause of failure. The most often, the influence of the parent are bad, because they put in place invalid objectives and unsuitable strategies. Thus, the managers have to use this strategic leadership of the corporate parents to develop the same and adequate strategy within the business units and the strategic leadership must be aware of the objectives given to ensure that they are realizable. In a context of globalization, this corporate parenting can face culture issues which can impact on the global strategy. The globalization is a phenomenon which is more and more spread; it’s a new way of working and in to manage people who come from different countries, some authors had created some dimensions dealing with cultural dimensions and the different value orientations. Indeed the majority of these workers don’t understand the attitude and the reactions of their colleagues because of the culture which includes different ways of thinking or acting. A strategic leadership has to leverage on cultural difference for competitive advantage. To create opportunities of collaboration a strategic leader must understand the management philosophy and the national character, to help this, Greet Hofstede created dimensions (hofstede. com, 2010) which permit to analyze and understand people from a different culture. A good strategic leadership is needed to manage these cultural gaps, because culture can be assimilating to the driving force beyond a man behavior. To succeed in a multicultural environment, the leaders must adopt the concept of global leadership, (Managing cultural differences: global leadership strategies for the 21st century, by Robert T. Moran,Philip R. Harris,Sarah Virgilia Moran, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007 ), they have to be capable of operating in the globalized world and being respectful of each culture, he must be flexible and open in order to perceive and understand people reactions. Companies have also to take care of what they said, if they didn’t pay attention to their slogan, they can get into trouble, thus the slogan of American Airlines â€Å"Fly in Leather†has been translated in Spanish by â€Å"fly naked†(brandingstrategyinsider. com, 2010). To have this open-minded spirit, the relationship between management and strategic leaderships must be define The leadership, and more particularly the strategic leadership are the eyes of an organisation, they have to see what is coming, to anticipate the future in order to give the opportunities to the company to create the future. Instead, the management, according to the figure, is more about execution. Indeed, the management deals with organization, they follow and accomplish the mission given by the leadership, they have to â€Å"comprehends the vision and the road map†(relationship-economy. com, 2010). A good example of the relation Leader/manager is the story of the creation of the iMac by Apple. 2-speed. com, 2006) The ex-CEO of Viewlogic relates its anecdote: all the work on the iMac was done, the product was about to be launched when Steve Jobs, a great leader, require that the case for the computer has to be transparent. This resulted in additional cost and engineering work had to be restarted because it has to be pretty either. This story shows well the differences of vision between a leader and a manager; Steve Jobs has seen the importance of the design over the long term and put the base of Apple competitive advantage. Relationship-economy. com, 2010 In this climate of economic uncertainty, the role of the strategic leadership within the global strategy is important notably speaking of the globalization phenomenon which is playing a major role in the business environment of today. Strategic leaders are necessary because they are the inspiration of the company, the guide of the managers. As seen before, in terms of corporate parenting, strategic leadership plays a crucial role in the success of the different business units, but sometimes, it happens that the influence of this one compromise the viability of the different business units. Globally speaking, a company has often resort to internationalize itself, to succeed in this way a strategic leadership must be set, in order to understand and leverage of cultural differences. Concerning the relationship between the relationship between management and strategic leadership, they have a special relationship, on could not function without the other. Whitout the execution of the ideas of the strategic leader, these ones would be useless. These two concepts are interdependent, the management deals with organizing, planning and answers short terms questions, while conversely, the strategic leader responds to long terms issues and determines the position of the company and its strategic direction. The strategic leader must communicate to the company values. He should increase the belief of employees in the company and be transparent and involve them in their role. It must be open in order to speak freely of market information, because employees want to know where the company is going and want to know what the leader knows. It is also important for the leader to take into account the opinions of everyone. Indeed even if the decisions that are not suitable with the wish of the employees, having been listening reinforce their membership to the business. Even if there are bad decisions making by some strategic leaders, (notably speaking of the CEO of the banks which didn’t pay attention to the mistakes that they have done and start the financial crisis), they are necessary in the global strategy of a company but some strategic leadership can be at the origin of failure and being not adapted to some kind of company. Thus strategic leadership is important to manage global strategy to give confidence and to innovate in the turbulent environment. But to avoid some mistake the management can be stricter and let more place to concrete work instead of just ideas in order to stabilize and create a secure environment for the business. References
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